[3.20] Heavy Strike Build 80mil dps Guard/Pinacle DPS

Long time i wanted to make a heavy strike build and found out best way to scale it. My first ever build.

JUGG VERSION https://pastebin.com/tqcpMyDJ
x3 less dmg(30 mil) ¬¬x3 more EHP

VIDEO PROOF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcYBXweCRj4
New Exarch demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa7WKaR-Xy4
Sanctum boss demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0e90erjiHs
POB https://pastebin.com/QUbNV9m1

- most ethical skill there is.
- can be used from lvl 0 scalingh through phys dmg and impale.
- 80 mil Guard/Pinacle DPS with only 30% shock efect in PoB, even tho i
shock Exarch/Eater for 50% constantly.
- only 2 buttons to press at bosses, Berserk into -->Right click.
- 32k armour, VMS, 4 endurance charges, Blind+arctic armour, fortify. Preety Tanky
for mapping, insta-phase/kill Bosses.
- require Voidforge+Omniscence
- Not the tankiest build for Uber-Uber Content.
- Melee, balls too massive, might hinder your movement, sorry.

* Self-crafted gear (under 8 divines spent on everything except Voidforge and
one of the rings that i bought).
* Only 1 offensive aura, Precision.
* Determination+arctic armour+Defiance Banner+Flesh and stone.
(got 50% exp from 99 to 100 doing 100%+quant corrupted maps).
* Can have very good clear with infernal blow in Weapon swap.
* Plenty stuff to improve on, can reach 200 mil dps or lose some dps but
become much much more tankier.
* Still not using Blitz charges.
* Still no Onslaught on Bosses.

BIG DEEPS - ( for a Heavy Strike?)


Last edited by a1ax#5668 on Jan 17, 2023, 10:46:07 AM
Last bumped on Aug 11, 2023, 8:04:16 PM
Can you do mapping vid showcase?
oh man, i sold all the gear from char and finished with the league, but infernal blow clear is very good (pops couple packs in a single blow). Even heavy strike can clear good if you take that splash node from the tree, thats without new explody flask. Starting a map without rage is not an issue as you are fast already.
I done full minitaur runs in 1 minute. (was farming Formed invitations and thats why i created this heavy strike char to focus on bosses).
You can farm legions very easy with infernal blow.
a1ax wrote:
oh man, i sold all the gear from char and finished with the league, but infernal blow clear is very good (pops couple packs in a single blow). Even heavy strike can clear good if you take that splash node from the tree, thats without new explody flask. Starting a map without rage is not an issue as you are fast already.
I done full minitaur runs in 1 minute. (was farming Formed invitations and thats why i created this heavy strike char to focus on bosses).
You can farm legions very easy with infernal blow.

Thank you! I was also wondering about the crafted gear part, is it important to get high ehp mods or just stats and life?
get chaos res fracture on boots/gloves and maybe chest, spam essences until u get 2 stats+life. thats most important. Rings u can use steel for pure dps, or ametyst for chaos res, but u can get chaos res elsewere(im using chaos res flask instead of movement flask), good steel rings boost your dmg by a lot, again, buy them with 1 useful fractured mod and spam essences.
aim for 1500+ omniscence (around this amount will cap your ele res if im not wrong), and from there aim for whatever u need more ->more omniscence/life/other usefull stuff like spell supress.
Hello what would be 6 link for infernal blow ?

Your strength is the law !!

MadG poe on youtube for mellee content
Yo, exactly the same links, thats why is so simple to switch between clear or single target by just simply swapping heavy strike with infernal blow. Ideal would be weapon swap, but in weapon swap isntead of awakened multistrike u have simple 20/20 multistrike. So it would be:
Infernal BLow + Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks + Awakened Multistrike/multistrike+ Awakened melee phys + Rage + Close combat. You can use increased crit damage/crit chance if you dont like the multistrike gameplay (but awakened multistrike is the biggest dps boost).
How well do you think this will work as a Str stacker Berserker with Original Sin ring?

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