[3.25] Splitting Steel Gladiator - All Uniques, Cheap League Start, Explody Mapping

BeSudu wrote:
thanks for your updates, I'm trying this build as I wanted to play something different this league and early mapping is quite smooth.

Sweet! Glad to hear it.

Too bad gloves now 1.5div with vulner curse on it.
SFadray wrote:
Too bad gloves now 1.5div with vulner curse on it.

It happens... it's a very common item, prices will go down again I suspect.

3.23 Early T16 Guardian Mapping Setup

Hi Everyone,

Hope you guys are having fun with the build, def drop a word if you have a min. I'd love to heard how you guys are doing.

So, I had been clearing Corrupted T16s on a 5L and it's perfectly doable, but clearing Guardians can be a bit slow...

At this stage it's smart to switch to a full Physical Dmg setup, by switching Herald of Ash to Herald of Purity, and adding Brutality to the 6L setup.

Later down the line, once we get a Nimis and other goodies, we can go back to Herald of Ash for the nice explody, but for now we need more raw DPS to comfortably continue to clear the Atlas.

With that in mind, here's how my toon is looking now:

Additionally, with +1 Curse Carnage and another +1 Curse from Doedre's, bosses can be triple cursed with: Sniper's Mark + Vulnerability + Punishment, which helps until we get the more expensive items to scale dmg.

I try to map as much as I can with Timeclasp and then switch to an Amethyst with as much Chaos Res as I can find for League Mechanic, and anything else that does Chaos Dmg or if I need a bit more Resistances for an Elemental Weakness map.

Amulet: 20c
Chest: 2.6d
Belt: 15c
Rings: 10-20c
Boots: 15c

I happened to drop a hinekoras lock, where do you think I should invest it? I would like to clear guardians and shaper no sweat
BeSudu wrote:
I happened to drop a hinekoras lock, where do you think I should invest it? I would like to clear guardians and shaper no sweat

6L Chest, Corrupted Gear, lvl 20 Gems, good Amethyst/Chaos-resistance Ring, good flasks (you don't need a mana flask).

Or keep saving for a Nimis.


Any tips for wildwood ascendancy for this build ?
Hi guys, doin the build..wths the best 5L possible?

The OP changed alot, even the main skill (b4 we were using the non-call steel gem).

KendridLambar wrote:
Any tips for wildwood ascendancy for this build ?

I am doing Tinctures:


Pretty OP!

matheus18 wrote:
Hi guys, doin the build..wths the best 5L possible?

The OP changed alot, even the main skill (b4 we were using the non-call steel gem).


Go to page 19, you can see several posts from starting red maps to t16 guardians setup.

I change a lot, because the league changes. It doesn't mean you need to do 100% exactly what I do.

You can check in PoB "Combined DPS" or "Full DPS" calculations for gems.

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Was looking for something out of my normal gameplay and this definitely hits the mark, just started to do maps and feels great!

Will check back in time to time to update my progress (albeit slow) but loving it so far.


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