Happy New Year! A 2022 Retrospective

delixo wrote:
Still w8 for search option in shop.

Settlers master craft service Settlers My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
Settlers veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Cheers guys, happy new year!
happy new year.

can we get auto-loot (basic currency) pet/slave yet? slaying thousand of demon/god/evil lord yet unable to make their as our slave....
amazing game, happy new year!
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
thank you!
XeoTech wrote:
Orcasauce wrote:
XeoTech wrote:
We broke 32:9 support for no reason.

The reason was it rendered areas outside the simulation distance, meaning you could easily target enemies that would just stand there with ranged abilities. Increasing the simulation distance is problematic due to the geometrically increasing perf requirements.


Care to expand on your profound rebuttal?
And i have been in Rage for 2 Leagues LOL! I wont say anything to supp anymore (and im sorry for the last pm). The objectives and intentions of GGG are clearly deep in fog and i dont care anymore.
Happy New Year! Great year for GGG and PoE, can't wait what 2023 is going to bring!
Happy New Year GGG
>removed archnemesis

Archnemesis is still in the game, It's just massively nerfed

Loot converts, Archnemesis mods are still in the game. Saying it was removed is disingenuous

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