3.20 Balance Manifesto: Curses

That Ring....
This has created a large power gap between players that have no investment in Curses and those that have heavy investment into Curses


isnt that how things should work ?
I like that in patch 3.20 you are not afraid to remove old and unnecessary items/mechanics from the game that are already outdated and inconvenient for players. I think by the release date of Poe 2 more of these changes are needed, which remove from the game those mechanics or that content that players are trying to avoid. Then Poe 2 will get more new players, as the game will be less difficult and will not be cluttered with incomprehensible elements for them.

For example: you can remove damage reflection from the game. This mechanic is obsolete for the modern look of Action RPG. There are also a lot of items that no one uses, such as corrupted amulets.
fostaa wrote:
"It's normal for these monsters to have various hidden penalties, as noting every single one would create a lot of clutter in their mod descriptions. Players can reasonably expect these monsters to be more difficult to fight, so in general, showing the entire list of penalties is not very necessary. However, the penalty against Hexes is an outlier because it's much more significant compared to other hidden penalties."

No, dear GGG mates. It is not very necessary to have them clearly described.
It is mandatory. And this is one of the weakest parts in the game - the tooltip management. I really hope you see this and learn it well.

Happy to see some good balances. Keep it up.

I'd honestly expect something simple like an encounter diary to be a thing for players. Encounter a boss, get a diary entry of their overall baseline stats, kill it, get a more in-depth explanation of what the boss does and what effects it has.
Like what you can currently look up in POEDB when looking at various bosses but that's all data mined information that GGG has never tried to communicate. Substantial number of players have no idea POEDB even exists.
An in game "bestiary" sort of diary where players could have a look at information prior to fights or after encounters they may have failed would be reasonable, especially with Kirac already having a role of information gathering and compiling. Give him a "here there be dragons" encyclopedia about the bosses and pinnacle bosses players have encountered. The "tooltip management" argument for withholding information is a terrible excuse.
Other than that, cool lot of changes, maybe the ring should have been "Minimum power charges" instead of maximum, otherwise someone dedicated to curses with a hextouch skill and a blasphemy setup can apply 9 curses with relative ease...
Which means group play becomes much, much more powerful again, compared to single player experience.
fosfofrutocinase wrote:
mastersmoob wrote:
speed is the reasons most of the gamers in poe rip yall just focus so hard on endgame only u forget to me it seems that regardless of nerf or blanace its supposed to be a fair fight and a challenge even in hard core or on standard still no easy buckets its a arpg old school with modern custom dynamics its not a auto hit wonder for all stuff this game as to offer for all builds its made for customs stuff but ur not a super god going thru just win by default no effort lol yall sound in my humble option I like the game still though I will admit the time they made the game nigh impossible to win I still still smashing stuff easy yet the problem was the bug factor of the monsters skills I tried the recently made delerium every where and even at lvl 1 its unplayable pretty much I got no idea how other than top .000001 percent could even full clear that hot mess run lol

My man just straight up hates ponctuation

Something tells me, you two would get along.
I don't think your message could have been any more forced. Good job trying to be funny!
Last edited by fosfofrutocinase#4994 on Nov 28, 2022, 7:28:01 AM
Buff the Death's Oath, please!!! The skill itself needs a buff
d_n_r wrote:
Dude, you dont touch occultist, never, no supporter pack for you again.

I hope Impending doom gets more damage than just the doubling of base damages, especially for hit-based builds. With 50 doom (most builds can get to 60), Impending doom is doing 400% more damage with hits and 150% more damage with ailments.

Doubling the base damage only gives us 100% more damage. While it is possible for the saved passive points from not having to invest into doom to be used to make up this difference, this is only really possible for dot based builds, since you'll be using around 7 points or so to try to make up around 25% more damage (going from 200 to 250 damage if the base is 100). However, hit based builds have no way to make up a missing 150% more damage (going from 200 to 500 damage) and it is already hard to scale chaos hits on the tree.

Impending doom is already a barely played skill (especially hit based) that really needs Shako to be relevant and this is just going to completely kill the hit-based archetype. It's a shame, because it's a really cool support.

I do love the rest of the manifesto however.

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