Eldritch Altars FAQ

While I enjoy the altar system, the UI can really use a revamp. Nothing breaks the flow of running a map than having to stop and read a bunch of small text in a tiny UI. May I suggest changing to an icon or symbols system, so that players can quickly know what the upsides and downsides are at a glance without having to stop for 10 seconds at every time an altar appears.
gotta love how y'all are almost exclusively fielding the squishiest softball questions you can find, wouldn't want to risk losing that juicy pre-league hype by actually pulling the curtain back
This is what I'm going to do. No matter the league mechanics, no matter what the last manifesto holds, no matter what the upcoming patch notes say -> I'm going to give it a shot and play for two days.

If I'm out of currency, mostly chisels, alts, chaos and alcs (so that I can't juice maps) -> I quit and play other games.

If I have no maps, ie. can't sustain em (drops or buying from Kirac) -> I quit and play other games.

If I have no gear for who cares reason and/or can't craft decent ones to progress -> I quit and play other games.

BUT, if I feel good all-in-all, I'll continue playing. It's mostly up to GGG at this point.

Now, you/we can rant or hype, makes no different to me at this point. I have very little hope for this game anymore, haven't logged in for over two months,... so whatever. We will see.
StasisBC wrote:
So after the horrible failure of this league, you are nerfing more? Why won't you give the players what they want? The point of a game is to enjoy it and if you keep taking away what they enjoy about it, it will eventually cease to exist. I'm honestly looking at buying the WOW expansion and playing that and dropping this game. Can't believe I am even saying that out loud.

You are one of those players who barely cleared endgame stuff, but complains like a veteran. Maybe u start with killing Sirus?
DarthSki44 wrote:
ClumsyParasite wrote:
3.20 will be the greatest league since Ritual, mark my words Wraeclast


Wow. Imagine actually typing this. With hash tags and still being the 1st post.

Congrats dude lol.

It's like "shoot first,ask questions later" or as in this case "comment first,read the nerfs later"
thor777 wrote:
While I enjoy the altar system, the UI can really use a revamp. Nothing breaks the flow of running a map than having to stop and read a bunch of small text in a tiny UI. May I suggest changing to an icon or symbols system, so that players can quickly know what the upsides and downsides are at a glance without having to stop for 10 seconds at every time an altar appears.

This sounds like a great QoL enhancement to Altars.

I love the game and approve of the current path its taking, but the altars definitely need some more accessibility.
Arian Synthesis of G3
Esubane & Scioncognus both pose their concerns, arguments & potential solutions well**, so just a thank you to them both from me.

**The scary thing is, when reading both of these posts I immediately though of the "Boardroom Meeting Suggestion" meme. (which is a terrible thing to think of GGG doing. I know they wouldn't throw good suggestions out of the window....right?

What's my point?

Why not see what happens if you try some of the 'sensible ideas' posted by your userbase and post the actual results after testing in a live league.

Please GGG, let us see come stats. You probably have full time data scientists crunching numbers and validating claims posted on Reddit etc so why not share them?

I'd be really keen for more real stats (as I'm sure would the player base) and so we can better understand your decision making processes when manifestos are being released as opposed to "...we feel that..." or "...due to popular feedback..."

past; Altars, Heist and Expedition.
now: Heist and Expedition rewards?
What they said:
The outliers are generally the only thing that is changing here in terms of stack size.

What they could have said:
The outliers are the only thing that is changing here in terms of stack size.

Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired)
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96(dead)
Regarding Maven's Rewards,

the main issue i have with them are that the 10 way fights give 1 splinteer and maybe 2 if you have all the passives. any of the other invitations give around 3-4 before passives etc and after it gives around 7-8.

It takes 2.5x more time to do the 10 way fight but it gives 1/4 the rewards. I believe the guardian ones are already in a good spot but the 10 way is the issue and the awaken gems even though are nice, doesnt make the bad luck feel any better.

I wopuld like the 10 way to give the same amount as the other invitations since it takes 2.5x more time and you have to select 10 different maps which is a small annoyance which could be worth if its the same as the other invitations. You also cant have the eldritch and ember influences while you have maven so that is already a big downside.

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