December Expansion Name Reveal

Nice, it gives me some dank dark souls vibes!
Nice 9th December, perfect time.
Uuuuhhhh lalau
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Only a week and a half after the Dragonflight release?

Was hoping for a bit longer of a delay.
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
have you Notice the char is using lighting strike??
Biggg nerf incoming ahah
still hyped

I'm liking the horror/religion vibe. Will the other aspects of the game fixed enough to soothe the players after the disaster that 3.19 was?
Details of the massive nerfs incoming?
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Path of Exile: Sanctum is simpler. As if any of the other contents are not forbidden lol
Rat league ConfirmeD!! POGGIES

Cats skills lets go

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