Jewel Changes FAQ

now this is a nice clear concise quality informative satisfying post. good job.

changes all seem fine too. i look forward to Malicious Intent finally being retired :P
removing survival secrets is a nerf

the rest seems okay

Im interested to see the new jewels and what mods have been reworked etc

the way to obtain golem jewels needs to be explained imo
If these unique jewels are going to be rarer can they be buffed?
Rip wardloop.
RIP Replica Hothead.
"drop rates of such jewels like unnatural instict haven´t been changed" Its the same as before guys calm down looks okey.

After loot has been delated from the game only thing left in the giga juicy maps were tons of annoying jewels, im happy they are gone now aswell.

I just hope for 3.20 that the divine loot goblines are gone and more evenly distributed, and that i had such a bad leauge was couse I didnt play lakes couse they were annoying and rippy as F. If the loot from the lakes is now back on normal drop pool we might still have a chanse.

Archnemesis post is going to be determining if I will spend any money 3.20 or not! Why dont you post that FIRST?!? The whole community is waiting for that.

not great. I may not use any jewels after this because its going to be crap like 15% chance to avoid ignite, 10% dmg with one handed swords, 5% cold damage multiplier and 3% cast speed.

Rolling good jewels is going to be agonizing.
Mana res eff in the base mod pool is huge. Not concerned about more mods in the pool, only really matters at the high end trying to get four prop perfect jewels which aren't necessary for the average player. Looking forward to seeing the full details!
Golem Jewels: These are more deterministically available and aren't relying on random drops anymore. The intention is that they should be relatively accessible.

relative to who? are these accessible for SSF or is this for the 0.1%.
will some unique cluster jewels be removed with the pool of remvoed unique jewels? or that it just for regular ones? if some of them are going to be removed, can you say if one with nothing you will be removed or will be included in the "Only corrupted" ones?

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