Upcoming News Schedule

Nothing about Loots and crafting? I hope you will fix them or we gonna see some continues downhill next league
more players nerfs inc
Last edited by Shadeless01#5109 on Nov 10, 2022, 12:21:04 PM
The solution to this main problem is simple.

"Remove Archenemesis."


You suck at balancing. :)

i hope archnemesis will be completly deleted otherwise I don't think I will continue to play this game unfortunately.
if you are bored to ask you to erase archnemesis from the game it is that we love this game and that we hate it since their appearance. we want a fun future for the game. we are really losing patience
If it aint broke, don't fix it.

Just stating this here because you guys have obviously never heard of this notion. Find a way to kill the parasite that is Archnemesis. Loot goblin/ground effects/build hampering mods all sap the fun out of the core game experience.
Not including a Loot manifesto means there will be loot-related stuff in the Archnemesis and the Altar Revamp manifestos, right? Right? RIGHT?!?
To give you an idea of what to expect, we're planning to cover these topics:

Jewels and Ailment Mitigation
Eldritch Altar Revamp

Nerfbat incoming in 3, 2, 1....
Would love to see mastery changes in 3.20. Some of them feel very underwhelming.
No loot drop change? Seriously?
First of all a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the least successful league in PoE history! The 'vision' of missing loot, gold goblins, magic find hire squads and archnemesis anarchy put a wall between you and the players in a completely unprecedented way. The game - which should be enriching everyone's free time - became a punishing slot machine in your hands and the latest communication with the community gave everyone the pure cringe.

I hope you realize that 'visions' that are made for investors can backflip and scare off your most loyal fans. I think most of those loyal fans are utterly sceptical in trusting you to find the right path again and you might lose them if you fail by the next patch. Because neither your communication, nor the 'visionaire' on top of your management did spread any hope that you have the guts to turn the rudder to funful and enjoyable waters again. Watching how you handled the last league is still - even today - a pure horror. And your 'Upcoming News Schedule' could be the last nail for PoE's coffin, if you really decided to die on your 'vision' hill.

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