November Events 2022

Please draw for the Mayhem event before Monday. I need the character slot!
Wow! Just won one of the cold snap armor sets! Wooohoooo!!!
Did the first 2 , skipping delirium for sure now that I know playing in HC gives no extra prizes of any kind.

I absolutely grinded mayhem got nothing but sore fingers.
Last edited by Jradlot21 on Nov 18, 2022, 9:27:46 PM
Thank god Archnem is getting deleted from the game, delve is hell with archnem mobs 1 and 2 shotting all day.
lvl 90 in delve done. Thanks
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Delve was fun as hell. Hope to see it again, but maybe with some crafts? Even basic ones, such as hp/res ;)
I wish all leagues to be voided. So many old junk that just blow up the DB.
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<3 GGG
SO waste my time for skin and lose all my loot? was actually excited waiting as i write but later shmucks I will pass. if I invest the time I expect some pixelated currency as a reward to make me feel better not a rubbish skin o.O lIke KHELOOOOOO am i alone here feeling this way?

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