Twitch Community Highlights
That unbelieving joy from Gwenen bestowing a Mageblood. So pure ^_^
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Where are the Videos and Clips of everybody hating what GGG has done on Leaguestart?
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" Easy to find, not so surprising that isn't a marketing strategy GGG pushes lol. I also find it...amusing, that they now call it the "Twitch" community reacts. It used to be just the "community" reacts, but that didn't really go over well at all considering 99.5% of players dont experience PoE this way, like at all. Twitch isn't really good for games, and really bad for live service ones like PoE. It just pushes Devs in the wrong direction, and has them focusing on the wrong things. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Oct 19, 2022, 9:35:28 AM
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funny to see :)
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" Couldn´t agree more. |
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Can we get a showcase of less cancerous crafting? So many using fractured because elevating and awakening is pure cancer and you miss out on 2 mods.
I'm of the mind set that every item should have enchant, anoint, corrupt mod(s), scourge mod, eldritch mods, temple mod, 2-3 elevated mods and the rest life, def, speed mod. I want to see some hard rips on corrupted and mirrored items. Mirrors should have a chance of krangling/ZOMG! corrupted items. Mirrored items should be able to be double corrupted and scourged. Mentality is, Scourge and cry all within a click. Mirror and have a heart attack. Recoom and move on to next rip. A 1 in 5 chance is reasonable and allows for progression. There's a billion gems and I've tried maybe a dozen over the course of 5 years or so. Trees and mastery's shouldn't all be looking 90% the same. So much sacrifice for little to no reward. Trees branch out and leaf, in order for a big ol branch you need a big ol trunk, leaves need a lot of light to be full of life, they don't grow on the branch, they're on twigs. In order for a big ol tree to not fall over you need deep roots, those roots need water to feed the tree. The tree ain't floating in space, it's gotta be rooted in earth. Trees shed leaves that release Carbon Dioxide to feed the tree and make that trunk tough. 9 Elements to a tree. Players should comfortably be able to get 9 mastery's that satisfy their thirst and feed their need. Would like to see the tree evolve and not be so static. Keystones and notables should have a threshold (stat requirement) to be unlocked. Life MASTERY should have access to all the different Life MASTERY'S, etc etc. You want additional curse? Give up everything or anoint. Evil works in 3's. Each class only has 2 starting points, it's inevitable that builds will all end up in a dead end that's replicated. There's a quantum physics tree game that proves this, you need 3 to keep on rollin for who knows how long, they haven't reached the end yet for possibilities. Each class needs 3 starting choices to branch out from if you want build diversity and increased replay. Also, t10 and t11 tier should not exist. Y would some ilvl 80+ item have some t10-t11 mod? Y is crafting a gambling simulator? It's a craft that's learned, acquired, and improved upon with time and effort. Y does a 90 year old violinist practice everyday? He thinks he might get better after 60-70 years of playing. item tier should reflect available mods. No one stays less than lvl 20 for long. as is lvl 90+ is the grind. D2 grind started at lvl 80. lvl 80+ ain't using no t4 garbage mod, t3 is mehhh, doable but an eye sore, t2 is alright, it'll do the job, t1 is yeah baby, elevated is god status, forget t5 and anything below. It's vendor food. Items should each have their own bracket of tier 1-5. a lvl 20 item with t1 mods will carry u to 40. Example : lvl 1, t9 gloves with t5 mods 1-5 all res, atk spd 1-5, crit chance 1-5, life +1-10, armour 1-5, inc damage 1-5. Nothing fancy, but it's better than nothing, maybe you can get an alt or alc for em when you're done with em, OR, maybe I can recoom with some t8 gloves when I hit lvl 11. Maybe add some spikes to em for a lil extra phys damage. The evolution of gear should be incremental improvements that are meaningful and consistent with progression. Crafting mods should not be "I guess this will do". You're not going to be chaos spamming some t9 gear or temple crafting and slamming exalts unless you're making some twink lvl 9 dueler. Ideally At lvl 20 you're prepping for first lab, 30 you're making your way through acts and nothing meaningful til next lab 55. A well rounded Shakespear character has 5 points of interest and there's 24 hours in a day in the life of a hero. Each hour has change, each hour is crucial to the plot development. 3 act movies are forgettable, 5 acts give an all encompassing complete experience, 9 acts flow like water and everything is meaningful. As is PoE is 3 acts, lvl 1-50 is doable, at lvl 50 if you're struggling the character is done for, start anew, lvl 50-70 things are coming together, and then 80 to end. That's it folks, there's the climb up the mountain to the cliffs and then you plummet to your death, the end. Ascendancy's have 3 choices and 5 routes, with a maybe 4 forbidden fun aspect. Each Ascendancy needs 9 aspects that you choose how to fill through 5 acts of difficulty. The 1 of 3 special offerings should be the last lab you do for those last 2 ascendancy points. That would add a level of difficulty, a layer of depth, and a 5th act of completion that covers the 9 aspects of hero life. What tree will you plant? Where will you plant your tree? How will you water and feed your tree? What wind will carry your tree to bear fruit? Who will your tree be? When will your tree blossom? Why is your tree doing so well and stands above the rest? PoE lacks depth, clarity, and meaningfulness. PoE is being suffocated with sacrifice, let it live and breathe. This comes from someone who got a swamp tattoo and played black MTG decks religiously. 1 color is solid, 2 is doable with a lil duality, 3 takes investment, 4 or 5 you have to go ham and invest heavy. Bring back the recooms, add more ascendancy points to choose more from, and stagger the tiers of what items can roll. Ain't no one got time for t6 poop and below. |
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oh good more content to me me feel bad i havent gotten any thing good, still cant craft any thing becuase no basic matt drop at good rate in white maps...
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" Wait are you the owner of that channel, lol. If so that wasn't really a diss towards highlight channels. I wouldn't ask for "higher quality" from a channel that needs to output a highlight reel every day, there simply isn't enough happening. Especially during low traffic late league days, sometimes all you can get is loot drop clips and that's fine, everyone is just waiting for events or next league anyway. But GGG does these highlights what, once every month? 6 clips in a month vs 10 every day, SURELY they can be pickier with their content. just a scrub.
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" Yes I am. And you are right, I can only cook things with the ingredients I can get. :) I am Drakunia... and you are not! And I am also GFL (Gamer For Life)
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