Photos of GGG's Upstairs Office

Looks like my office before covid but more flair to the rec area. Ours is a ghost town these days.

If only the NZ laws weren't so strict on non-citizen employees... Maybe some day :D
Me: Sweet, this Focusrite is lit for making my blastbeats and caveman riffs sound good in my earphones.

GGG Audio team fully decked out: Hold my Witchfire Brew...

PS: y u no using KRK speakers?
PS2: Blastoise gang rise up!
love it
I'll take one of those V energy!
Only 2 people at QA team.
That explains a LOT!!!!
Can I come work for you?
Btw you might want to tell your audio guys that chain connecting power strips like that(seen for Micheal's desk) is a pretty large fire hazard and probably against lots of regulations. Don't want any accidents to happen to your offices. Oo
Last edited by arknath on Oct 5, 2022, 6:53:09 PM
idk... looking funny... nerf it now.
QA team had a lot of empty chairs. That explains a lot :P
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This is awesome
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