Community Showcase

impulze3 wrote:
Daredust wrote:
TatteredHat wrote:
That ranger looks very cool, but I suspect AI generation was involved.

Spot on. They posted the original image on reddit a few weeks ago saying that it was AI generated (I can't find it anymore, I assume they deleted it?). Looks like after touching up the image a bit it's not worth mentioning anymore.

i think "a bit" is an understatement. this is what the image looked like before i started redrawing and changing most of it

i deleted the reddit thread because people started attacking me personally for claiming i made the image. the endless discussions wether i made the image or the AI did are really tiring when in fact i spent a day worth of hours on drawing, reiterating and refining and claiming i didn't make it because ai was involved in the process is just ignorant and backwards. people need to accept that digital art is evolving continuously and realize that most modern painting tools involve some form of AI, be it denoising, superresolution, sharpening or other tools.

I take back what I said. It is clear that impulze3 put a lot of work and effort into this and absolutely deserves a spot in the showcase. Sorry for my ill-informed previous statement.
The ranger is pure hot!
Simply Great to see all these awesome peoples creations! :)
shadow one is great
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
So the Ranger by Impulze is just AI generated. Kinda obvious.
I love the clip with Zana, I only wish it was longer. Great stuff.
Realy nice.
That Tattoo is incredible!
good that i`m not the only one with a tattoo

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