More ExileCon Tickets Available Soon!

Why tho. Fix the game then we talk flight tickets.
PoE is not the same anymore since 3.15.
210 dollars for a ticket? kind've expensive... not that it includes the flight ticket and housing? :D
please, cheapen the wing prices !
Am Yisrael 'Chai
VRJersey wrote:
Unfortunately purchasing tickets to exile con does not currently line up with players vision of the game

We want GGG to really feel the "weight" of their patches

This is a buff


best coment
ppl who will attend the event:

+the rest of GGG
+some streamers that will get free tickets

Broliciously wrote:
I guess I'll try to buy a ticket. I always wanted to visit New Zealand.

Nice badges.
no, ty
Oh my god, we are surrounded by sheeple, r.i.p your wallets
1989lexican wrote:
I had to do 23 red maps q 20 and alch, to get a vaal orb so I can progress my atlas. Lwt that sink in before you post.

Tujen sends his regards.
Niko sends his regards.
Alva sends her regards.
Many more league contents send their regards.

Do you actually know how many league mechanics drop vaal orbs en masse? If you are just too lazy and only play maps, well, you can do that and be slower than others in progress.

If you want to move forward quickly, well you can play smart and abuse league content to drop so much cool stuff. Also, in regards of atlas progress, Kirac sends his regards.

Lwt that sink in before you post.
Arian Synthesis of G3
Iggy5150 wrote:
I remember the previous Exilecon. Everyone was so excited to attend.

Look at the current state of the game...

Agreed. Not only will I not be going, I'm deciding if I still even want to play the game. I had so much more fun in delirium league.
Stayed this long only for the challenge MTX. Trash league. Not spending a single cent until they have put out something enjoyable.

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