3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

I am just waiting for New World to release the patch that is on the test server right now... Then I am done with PoE... Not that I have been playing much... the last week I made like 4-5 levels each day on a new char... I just lose the will to level so fast because I know when I reach maps it will suck so hard. GG you are killing your game... Please for the love of God just look at the sentence you wrote where you said rare AN mobs that CAN'T DROP LOOT!!!!!!!!! wil only have 2 mods... RARES THAT DROP NO LOOT!!!!!!!!!! This is a freaking ARPG GGG What the actual f... are you thinking???
tador88 wrote:
Pelagoth wrote:
If you don't pay the price, you don't deserve the reward.

Good luck with your instant gratification mentality.

P.S. You don't need godly mirror tier items to clear all the content in the game. Every build can clear all content on expensive but not godtier t1 only items. Just an FYI for the future of your poe.

I'm paying the price in time (the most expensive currency) used to gather resources for crafting. Is a lot of time, enough to make crafting far from being an "instant gratification".

T1 crafting was an aspirational content for most, not something that will allow to clear the content - keeping in mind that for this kind of crafting you need resources available in the end game content.

Not everyone is a gamble addict, the league is only 3 months long and most of us are playing this game as a hobby, not as a full time job.

I'm glad that you enjoy the stage of the game, but illogical arguments are not helping anyone. Also, keep in mind that this game wasn't made just for you. We, the ones unhappy with actual state of the game, are also part of it, and equal in right to express our opinion without being insulted. Have a nice day.

Well sayd!
Seems you guys at GGG remain very ignorant. Fix your god damn loot system and reverse all the nerfs you put in place this league. Just because you guys are the devs doesn't mean your players don't know the games issues and the state of the game which has been an ongoing flop as you ignore them and try to manipulate the perception to keep them in place. The only thing you've done decently this league is nerfing arch nemesis mods. Still often even then they still nuke people and are not a very good or fun mechanic. The old system worked better for mods and loot.

As for nerfing it seems to be the only thing your company knows how to do. You guys really love destroying this game with your nerfs and overtuning and ignorance to actually listen to your playerbase that are the ones that invest their time into this game and support it. Without your players your companies workers wouldn't get paid. Also with PoE 2 coming and the player base dwindling we can expect many players to not be there for it and drop the game altogether. The fact is the games been continuously declining and losing it'sp players for some time now. Which a lot of the fault is is that you guys at GGG don't listen to the player base at all and continue to promote ongoing problems such as the nerfs and keeping arch nemesis mods when the player base doesn't like them. It seems you guys forgot toss the league mechanics that weren't a success like you guys previously use to that were disliked by the players.

Things that are garbage newly implemented. Every single mention I post btw not just a couple:

-Skill nerfs (especially to survival skills and minion survival also, you guys have further made the game unplayable nerfing defense while trying to manipulate people to believe you buffed and improved them)

-New loot system (Stop adjusting it. Get rid of it and return the old loot system and leave it where it was at last league with the same drop rates. Who care that it dropped more loot. That actually made the players happy and stay longer as they had a chance to complete their build through the league instead of dropping it. You do not realize that most players do not get get past Maven and Sirius and drop the league. The statistics of the 95% who haven't cleared them isn't bluffing.)

-Atlas Tree (Again revert the changes and bring back last leagues Atlas Tree)

-Harvest (This is just utterly garbage and there's no excuse. Bring back all the old crafts and removed the changes turning it into a new economy in the game. It's garbage and a grind and has been ruined. We've lost a lot of decent crafts and we have to grind stupidly. We'd often see one craft that was decent at least each harvest previously. Now we have to get a really dumb rare currency and grind for mediocre crafts not worth the time.

-Stop attempting to slow down the game. Your ridiculous grind ruins the game. You guys are not running an MMORPG. You guys are running ARPG. Games like Lost Arc are trash because they attempt that concept. In terms a lot of loot and getting things done fast is an ARPG. In fact we've only got the 3 months per league to complete as much of our challenges and content as we can. Slowing the game down doesn't not make it more fun. Sure some of your players have absolutely no life and play all day but many have work or university and daily lives. This not only kills it for the average player it kills the game all together for those who have lives and are likely the ones supporting the game through buying it's micro transaction. Which btw a lot more people would be putting money into the game if those micro-transactions were actually cheap. To note a worn down and rewarded player is also likely to drop the game as it takes to much just to enjoy the game.

PS: On a side note Those supporter packs should be like $20 each not $420 in total and most cosmetics should be around $2.50 at most not $10-$50. your mystery boxes should not be $320 to complete either. A lot of players do not want to pay into this even though some do. If they were reasonably priced you'd likely have most of the player base buying them. At the same time the limited items are really just tossing a lot of great cosmetics over the years tbh. This has been my thought on MTX for years and why I tend not to really ever buy them like probably many other players. I can deal with that not changing and being improved though as it doesn't affect the gameplay like everything else does. However I thought to also add that this was another poor choice and you guys would likely make a lot more on affordability then overpricing.

Last edited by ChaosCreature7 on Sep 8, 2022, 2:39:34 AM

Please, end this MF Culling loot goblin stuff. Its annyoing and NOT FUN to interact with.

And it feels like direct Punishment if interaction is ignored. No Matter what your Data examination tells you.
Good changes.
Newbies are mad atm about loot changes, but good players like, who actually understand how this game works, are still rich.
Quite frankly that's a skill issue. Git gud fellas.
Rare monsters that do not drop loot are now limited to 2 Archnemesis modifiers.

Why there is a type of monsters that DO NOT DROP LOOT???? Sounds completely wrong in a game where loot is the main reason to play.

Every monster should be able to drop loot, because there is no reason to kill monsters that can't drop anything
Mathrigo wrote:
Rare monsters that do not drop loot are now limited to 2 Archnemesis modifiers.

Why there is a type of monsters that DO NOT DROP LOOT???? Sounds completely wrong in a game where loot is the main reason to play.

Every monster should be able to drop loot, because there is no reason to kill monsters that can't drop anything

Untainted Paradise. Syndicate Research encounter.

There are instances where it's not meant to drop loot for obvious and explained reasons. They refer to those monsters.

P.S. I had my first and only Innocence-Touched on untainted paradise this league so far (needless to say, no loot). Still loving the league tho.
Arian Synthesis of G3
Last edited by Pelagoth on Sep 8, 2022, 3:38:21 AM
Rare monsters that do not drop loot are now limited to 2 Archnemesis modifiers.

This is a Buff! Lol
Last edited by Aijendo on Sep 8, 2022, 4:06:54 AM
First time ever posting here. I still cant fathom the decision making behind these laughable changes. You let us wait multiple times for multiple patch notes that in the end are mostly not enough. Why is it SO HARD to at least give us back 50-60 Percent of the old loot. How is it FUN to find 400 Blacksmith wetstones and 10 Billion flasks. These modifiers are just straight up useless.

I fully juice maps and its soooooo worthless atm compared to any league before.
Also Kalandra league is insanely boring. Doesnt even have any content whatsoever.

Just walking around and killing Past league mechanics and hoping for 1 in a million decent ring. Kalandra was always a mystery and there is just zero content towards that league mechanic. So no content+ everything nerfed to shit + bare loot = GGG ?

Im probably done with this league. Waited for a decent update but meh.
Crazy how stubborn this company is.

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