An Overview of Upcoming Changes

Thanks for commenting and keeping the discussion going.
This is the exact kind of communication the community wants!
Can't wait for GGG's solution to the magic find culler issue...

I would bet my life savings that instead of fixing the problem, they will just nerf the drops on those mobs and not buff anything else.
"We are aware of feedback around Harvest crafts but don't have any commentary on this yet."

rly? and how long to wait?
effective max hit taken all 110K +,
max spell suppression,
max attack and spell block,
regenerating ES,
recouping ES on block and suppression,
Divine Shield,
all res over 116%,
80% reduced crit damage taken,
Curse Immunity,
immune to shock and ignite,
Immune to burning ground,
cannot be stunned or slowed below base speed,
I'm literally taking as many defensive nodes as possible and still using a 4L for main attack with 60K dps,
4401 ES,
Resolute Technique,
If I take any more defensive nodes I'll really be struggling for damage.
Feeling like I have to try and cram Fortify in there somehow,
have ES leech, I regen more than enough mana (skill costs 5)
Random 1 shots from monster lvl 80
Pantheon Solaris filled up.
50% reduced crit damage taken from suppressed spells.
53% prevented...
ES on hit will help I know,
but ffs, getting 1 shot from rare monster with that much mitigation?

Something's got to give, thank you for taking this ridiculous league into consideration.
Throw us a bone on the tree, give us 5 points per level up,
small passives cost 1 and give 1/5 of current value, can max it for full current value,
notable passives cost 3, keystones cost 5.
Boom, throwing us a bone and opening the door to new builds.
sounds great may i add something as well iv noticed, now i might have this worng here but isnt MANA SYPHON Arch nem mod, is supposed to reduce youre MANA right? well the last ones iv been coming across has been taking my life off me and not touching my MANA, as if they have a RF property and just suck the life off me, im playing on Console so not sure if this is intented or if its a console problem just thought id let you know
Dropping an Exalted Orb is now one of the worst feelings in PoE.

Please consider adding reforge keep prefix/suffix in some way that consumes Exalted Orbs but requires a content trigger for it's availability.
How about something like greater rifts to fix loot? Kappa

In all seriousness, thank you for heeding the community feedback. We <3 GGG!
"Stay a while and listen..." - Some Guy
Hearing that the feedback is received is more than enough even if a reply isn't ready yet. Thank you for the communication, looking forward to more changes. :)
Thanks for the info.

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