I'm heading to Dragoncon with my Sister Cassia Cosplay!

Just finished this - I'm new to making EVA foam armor, so that was my major hurdle, but I also learned to do basic LED setups and some tig welding to create the frame for my tank. I'm already decent at 3D modeling, sewing and embroidery, so that was just a time commitment. I'm really proud of it, over all, although it's clear the areas that I need work (looking at you, EVA foam joins)!

Last bumped on Sep 7, 2022, 9:02:20 PM
Looks great! The tank really sells it. For being new to the foam armor making you did a fantastic job. If you see any other PoE cosplay please share some pics!

But I'm going to go ahead and predict that this will be the single best PoE cosplay at the Con. :D
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
It looks really cool!
Shovelcut wrote:
Looks great! The tank really sells it. For being new to the foam armor making you did a fantastic job. If you see any other PoE cosplay please share some pics!

But I'm going to go ahead and predict that this will be the single best PoE cosplay at the Con. :D

You were correct, I saw exactly zero other POE cosplays. Here's my official photos, cause I think they came out great (from "Mad Scientist with a Camera" at DCon):

Yowza, that lighting! Well one thing is certain and that is that the photographers name checks out! Just wow... :)
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.

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