3.19.0c Patch Notes and Update on Community Feedback

Where's main game drop??????????
The only time I can ever hit endgame content is with builds that DON'T rely on gear... now that gem level build options are gone and the content is so ridiculously hard, there is no way I (or any casual gamer) will be able to hit endgame consistently... why is poe going in this "direction"?! it makes no sense.
And the unrighteous will burn to ash!
Thanks for the changes, I like that the difficulty is gradually increased
The loot issue is severe enough that I would ask you to consider rolling the item quantity/rarity change back entirely. Take the rest of the league to figure out how you want to implement your drop changes.

I am going to assume that the impact of this quantity/rarity change was not communicated or evaluated properly within your internal teams before release, and that therefore the severity of the issue is coming as a surprise to you. Otherwise, I feel that not communicating this to the players is a significant withdrawal of trust from the player community. It's difficult to overstate just how impactful this change was. Chisels, alcs, scours, regrets, vaal orbs... they're just not dropping in any meaningful quantity whatsoever. This dramatically changes the way fundamental mapping/gameplay feels, and in a very negative way. That, along with the dramatic harvest and tainted currency nerfs, should not have come as a surprise to players who were otherwise very excited about a league start.

It also highlights deficiencies in internal play testing. The quantity/rarity problem should have become very apparent to a qualified tester in 10-20 maps. Perhaps recruiting a handful of experienced player volunteers to help uncover things before release is an idea to consider.
Best quotes:
Wyatt: "Don't you have phones?"
Chris in 3.19: "Get your magic find characters ready!!!"
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
Last edited by AlekzZz84#2947 on Aug 23, 2022, 11:21:19 AM
First league start that I just haven't been motivated to play at all even though it's only the first week. Deterministic crafting is gone. Juicing up maps in trade is gone. Archnemesis still makes mobs way too tanky, essences and beasts should be able to have max one archnemesis mod if at all. I've never once considered quitting this game in the past but this league has gone way too far. GGG's vision isn't fun for the players, communication is so extremely lacking, and the game is just going in a trajectory that makes poe2 seem like it's destined for doom.

As someone who loves this game so much I'm begging GGG to please figure something out. I don't want poe to die but it seems like Chris does.
Increased the likelihood of finding higher-level armour base types. This is quite impactful, resulting in around 25% more high armour base types dropping.

This only addresses half of the issue with individual item drops. To make it worthwhile to pick up and look at dropped items, they need to have better rolled affixes, too.

You could increase the likelihood of good bases dropping by 1000% more and it still won't matter if the items are garbage when they're identified.
- here's my sig
It's mind-boggling how your company continues to commit financial suicide.

Hope you have your revenue finding items on!
I can't continue. I love poe. Sorry. I won't play until the game feels better.
Hey, we nerfed everything by 95%... have 5% back. We good now?

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