Vaal Caress + Empower Level 1 = Level 34 gem

If you use empower level 1 in Vaal Caress, it has level -4. Which makes it acting like level 10 and it gives +9 to active gems.
This way, you simply have level 34 gem in 2-link with just the gloves and empower level 1.

Last edited by Fiard on Aug 22, 2022, 8:30:34 AM
Last bumped on Aug 24, 2022, 1:43:25 AM
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This is a nerf to awakened lv 5.
Basic testing could've prevented this.
made by:
Extensively tested.

That's the first concern when this item was introduced and yet was ignored.
I don't want to believe the things are that bad, let's hope they left it as is intentionally in order to give you the sense of pride and accomplishment.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on Aug 22, 2022, 3:19:59 PM
QA :omegalul:
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Honk honk
(✿ =‿‿=)

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