What We're Working On

The fact that GGG experiences some sort of "oversight" with EVERY league and needs to put out fires with emergency updates is totally unacceptable.

This is your product. Imagine if every cell phone you bought had to be returned after the first day and the company you bought it from told you it will take around 2 weeks to fix the issues?! EVERY LEAGUE.

GGG, your game was my main game after diablo 3 died down, but with this direction and experience I've been getting I'm growing increasingly impatient for D4 to release.

The direction you are taking is hurting your own product. Why would you prioritize a "vision" over player feedback and fun?

For so much "oversight" on my job, i would be out the door next day. Something tells me YOU ARE ACTUALLY LYING and all these changes were intended, and when being caught, chose to lie some more!
Our intention with these changes is to modify certain league content that was out-of-line with other content so that it has a similar reward profile. These changes are important, but we understand they have reduced overall rewards that players receive.

But, why does it have to be into the negative direction?

Action styled RPGs THRIVE in big explosions of loot, and while you do have those sometimes from weird combos of rares, they are few and far between...

But right now everything feels so... disappointing to grind. Heist is bringing me no pleasure because the loot feels halved, Harvest feels so off even on the permanent zones, Harbingers aren't fun because they bring little excitement now...

Why can't we have nice things and UP loots towards the direction of better systems, rather than drowning it into the direction of already underperforming ones? I suppose if everything is underperforming, it's perfectly balanced..
harvest is still dead, there were far too many crafts that were removed. buffing the life force dropped by monsters is only a bandaid on a shotgun wound. just take it out of the game!
We are raising the chance of Lifeforce dropping so that it's less likely to receive none at all, while striving not to increase the average number of clicks needed by too much.

What's stopping you from just storing the life force as a variable that increments up in value every time a monster that would drop loot does, and then once all the monsters are killed dropping one stack with the life force value?

If you dropped 10 divine orbs in individual stacks of 1, I promise you players would click them. The reason players complain about clicks is the clicks aren't worth the reward.
What a joke....

The only possible explanation I have left is that their vision for PoE2 is:
- Far less loot
- Far slower gameplay
- Far less crafting

The only way to get there for them seems to be to:
- Constantly nerf the game to gradually move to the 'desired PoE2 state'
- Hide their changes from the players instead of presenting them
1) Massive stealth nerf of Harvest
2) Massive stealth monster buffs through Archnemesis
3) Massive stealth nerf to loot

The alternative would be to keep PoE as it is and launch PoE2 with a gargantuan perceived nerf compared to PoE. That seems unlikely to happen.

Too bad that the 'old 3.13' PoE is what I enjoyed and their vision for PoE2 is not what i want to play.....
to maintain any integrity going forward, you need to wait for mtx sales of the new expansion until AFTER it's launched. for over 1.5 years you've launched buggy and horribly under tuned league mechanics and over tuned monsters. fomoing people that don't pay attention into buying mtx before they know the quality of the product they're buying


Also a BIG ISSUE here is that we should be doing the league mechanic to get things like alchs to progress maps right? since we need to alch them and buy them with alchs... but with this mechanic we have to do maps to enter it ... like 20 of them. So if we run out of currency to progress our maps we can't do the mechanic to get currency to progress our maps 0~o
Last edited by arpgaddict#1346 on Aug 21, 2022, 10:40:17 PM
A loot game that hardly drops loot - this is gonna work out real well

This response is underwhelming, to say the least.
Are you serious ?

Do you realise that some people took days off to play the game and have fun, and, with a game like POE, having loot is fun, that's why we kept getting more and more each league.(in heist you literally open chests for loot)

You starting to be patronizing on the loot issue is really disappointing, it's understandable that you can't instantly give us an answer on what's wrong but don't point it out like you didn't do anything wrong please. And pointing streamers clips, like this only happened to ben, is really childish and show a lack of respect toward us.

I don't usually complain but i'm quite disappointed this time.
Thanks for working on ways to make me want to play Last Epoch more when it releases multiplayer.

You guys are completely out of touch with what the majority of your players want and expect in your game and really need to re-evaluate your priorities.

EDIT: Also, "having a bunch of drops was a historic mistake" is sure a hot take, lmao.
Last edited by Gilderoy#2545 on Aug 21, 2022, 10:38:15 PM

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