What We're Working On

Grasping vines does damage again. Something you fixed last patches.
Grasping vines is no longer instantly removed upon using movement skills. Something you fixed last patches.

Here's something ossitive so you don't remove my comment again: A very heartfelt well done (I'm lying but who cares).

1. I mean... Ruckus strat on low tier maps is kinda fineee... Atleast I can make some currency (?)

2. Fulfill harvest crafts were the usefull ones

3. Essences outscreen killing you is kinda funny

4. Can`t sustain alchs and vaal orbs are as rare as good loot for me. I had to buy ~100 alchs and 50 vaals just for mapping.

6. Empys 6-man group losing money on juiced maps (XD!)

7. That fckin mystery box on the bottom. Greta Thunberg: HOW DARE YOU????

EDIT: I forgot to mention that game is lagging. Even on GeForce Now when i use the RTX 3080 version (the best one). My FPS drops on the same settings I used in 3.18 when everything was smooth.
Last edited by xInsygnia#4958 on Aug 22, 2022, 5:06:47 AM
Just delete harvest and give us better crafting elsewhere. I really hope you guys can fix this league soon because people are already turning rabid. Also what happened to loot 2.0? Why did you limit drops like this before implementing a system with gear that rolls better naturally especially if you want us to find gear on the ground? This league is kinda bizarre. We didn't get much changes end-game wise and the league is pretty barebones. This leads to the obvious question: What happened during development?
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Give us our game back
You killed mapping.
You killed group play mapping.
You killed game enjoyment.
silithice wrote:
lol all i see is wah wah wah i want my milk and cookies wah wah wah.... You dont like the changes go play something else... just the same straw man arguments "if you dont fix i wont buy" yea GGG made 100 mill in profits last year your 60 bucks is not breaking their bank..... I swear all these empty you better fix this or buff that .... heres an idea go create your own action RPG and you can make it exactly how you want it :)

I don't think you understand what a straw man argument is. Funny how you mention it though and then go on to use a different logical fallacy telling people to go make their own game. Most people are providing this thing called feedback, usually used to improve on changes that didn't involve the community. If you have none of it to give, don't bother responding.
I'm someone who usually doesn't worry too much and just enjoys the game, regardless of the outrage that usually happens at league launch. I've been doing it this league as well and waited for a response to reduction in overall loot. This response to the current loot situation is ridiculous. I'm very disappointed
YOU MUST BE JOKING. How much are you disconnected from the player base? All this time we were playing before we were thought to farm up currency and get some armor/weapons for our self to pass through the early game and buy whatever we needed then.... now loot doesn't work...it's not rewarding and we cant even sell...no one is buying and everything is messed up. Can't even find maps to get to and sustain yellow maps let alone progressing further...and archnemesis is just broken and get rid of it... Can't believe I spent money on this league. just revert the change and apologize because you are losing so many players.
Can you investigate if the Belfry boss encounter spawns too many rare mobs? Right at bat 5(!) rare mobs spawned. 3 of them pretty much counter my build. With all that, ofc one had ice prison, you can imagine how much fun I hade fighting Kitava :)
The game is unfun to play. Bottom line.

Also to link a gambling loot box at the end of the post.......

I've no words tbh.

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