What We're Working On
Sorry I am out, Peace guys
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This aint it chief.
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GGG working hadrd lately to make every league worse than the one before. Archnemesis.. divine cnnage harvest change... I wonder what will they think up to make the game even worse next time.
And then this lukewarm tinkering when more or less everyone is disappointed from new player to oldtimer is just as shameful as it was when they forcefully melded the archnelemsis into the game. It was also a generally hated modification. Shame. I used to like this company. I wonder if they delete the negative posts from forum again just to manipulate it to show only the praises they get and believe it. Pathetic. | |
Very, very sad.
Unfortunately I cant justify taking a week off from work or supporting the game financially anymore, just for a few hours of average fun. Thank you for the (previously) amazing game, it was really fun while it lasted. |
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I've been playing this game for a while now. It was never less fun. This game used to be so good you could just let it's core player retention speak for itself on top of the business model.
There were bad patches before every now and then. The skillgem balance was given up on a long time ago for the sake of PoE 2's development, players accepted it and stuck around none the less coz the core game was still fun. This time around you botched the very essence of the ARPG genre; the loot. People won't stick around for this. Players from the different community-corners of this game rarely have had the same judgement so unanimously. Dare i say ever. If i were in your shoes i'd react decisively and fast here. People value their time differently these days. Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
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I really love this game, and even being a new player i feel sad about players like Empy's group doing the most endgame farm, dont drop anything. Literally wonderfull and inteligent players, that study a lot about the game, cant play because dont drop anything. I hope get in they level someday, but if they stop to play who i will follow to grown in this game?
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First of all. Mostly GGG ist fast to fix issues. But sure , the last 3 Leauges are nearly like 3.15 and it get worst and worst.
1. It seems, this Leauge update hasnt got tested at all. Mostly the overtankyness of the marjority of the Archnemisis Monsters with more than 2 Mods. 2. The All Around Droprate. In Sentinel the Droprate also was Tuned down. If u Didnt used Sentinels, u would have recognized a large downgrade of the Droprates. It had make sense for Sentinel, because of the Loot Explosions, but now...? I dont think the Problem is like that, what the Devs posted. That only the fewer Rare Monsters a.s.o are the Problem. I think they forgot to bring the Droptable back to normal. If u adjust so much / This time the Unique table / ... its normal that problems acure. ( Things must be tested GGG.. ) 3. Where is the logic, to tune everything down? It gets more and more worse. U need Whitemap drobs to get Res caped? U need Red maps to have a chance to equip for doing these tier of maps? U need Boss drops to have a chance to do bosses? This make no sense for me. To Gear up for content, u need the content before and we are not in China, where u hope, that players farm 1 Week for 1 Item with tier 2 Life Some Ressistance, only to run Yellow maps. 3. the way of nerfing harvest. Is that a joke? Removing Keep Prefixes / Suffixes for example. Or the cost of some Crafts, like what? 10 000 Life force? When u only get 40 - 100 From like 7 Maps. U can only craft after 130 maps? Are u tottaly out of ur Minds. For such decision, there is no Excuse sorry. The 20% Casual Player that are Highend. Not the 0.5% That have no problems,living mostly ingame. They needed with the old Harvest, like 1 Week To Craft some good gear, and if they didnt needed them, they sold them on market. So every player could most out of the Crafters. Now u change up the market with the Devine / Ex Changes, and 1000000 of items will be missing, because most of the playerbases only can craft with Rox or Lucky Findings. Oh i forgot Lucky Ex slams or Lucky Beastcraft. What the hell is that. If i want to play Lottery i would not play POE... Yeah sure. You Announcet changes, but i doupt that u Understand the overall Problem the last 3 Leauges. U are one directional in ur way of thinking and more and more People are close to leave Path of Exile as a whole. U Only patch something, when Streamers whining and dont listen to the community at all. For example the Console Market shut down u are want to do. Thats also a big Joke, Yeah. Everyone got Mobile Phones. Just use them to Trade. Oh u have no Keyboard.... your problem. I think its time that u sit down and revamp ur way of thinking, before u kill your Product completly |
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You’re not serious right? At this point harvest may as well be removed. It’s just not worth it. Not just the grind part but the mental letdown in rolling the crafts. And the loot drops are so bad, first time in so many leagues. I’m struggling to maintain my alchemy orbs. ALCH ORBS. Is this really the strat to ask us to play other games?
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I was hoping for a word on harvest keep suffixes/prefixes, maybe the league hasn't got there yet
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" This makes no sense. Why make us pick it up to begin with? Who wants to fight a super hard rare monster in harvest to get no reward.. Rare monsters are too strong and with very little reward. Also with less rare monsters feels harder to sustain higher tier maps for me. Last edited by dmack15#0294 on Aug 22, 2022, 3:10:14 AM
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