What We're Working On

iHoqEAmKLG wrote:
Make loot drop identified.

Done, no loot drops now, so all loot drops identified.

Secondly, we are going to apply the same item consolidation approach we did to Act Bosses a few leagues ago to Map Bosses also. They will now drop fewer items, but of substantially better rarity.

But this did not work at all. Have you tried checking the act bosses drops? Its all shitty rolls.
Ngl, I was hoping for more than this. This will certainly help, but I genuinely don't think it'll be enough.
Damn you know you really messed up when the first page isn't filled with pogs.
anyone who is NOT a 6 man party should be happy with these changes! go have fun :)
Just adding my displeasure and disappointment to the pile. This patch and league feels absolutely awful to play with barely anything dropping and you're saying everything is intended and are working on giving us higher level bases and more chaos recipes? [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Will_GGG#0000 on Aug 22, 2022, 1:30:38 AM
Thanks for letting us know early. Great changes and great direction, this is the right direction for the game, and it’s fantastic that you are willing to push onwards despite community complaints. I do feel you should have mentioned the adjustment to league content item quantity in the manifesto, however, as doing so this late erodes trust.

Keep fighting the good fight team .
Another untested league released and the vast majority of players can pinpoint several gigantic issues after 30-40 hours playtime. How does this happen AGAIN? Come on!

This is not another regular reddit whine-fest, this is compounding issues from the last 3 leagues coming to fruition. Archnemesis was never fixed to be in a good spot, it was only ever tolerated, and now with the loot starvation, we can really feel it.

The changes proposed here do not seem to fix the issues.

Essences: remove Archnemesis mods entirely until you have a tested solution, these proposed changes do not sound like enough to make the mechanic fun and engaging. It makes gear progression early really rough. Good mechanic ruined by difficulty/reward scaling.

Harvest: each plot (not Sacred Grove) should give a minimum of 1 regular reforge in white maps, 1-2 regular reforges in yellow and 2 in reds. I do not care which numbers you adjust to make this happen, but this is the bare minimum, and with 100% quantity on a map those numbers should at the very least double. It makes gear progression early really rough. Another good mechanic ruined by difficulty/reward scaling.

Lake: the content is just way too tanky. If a character in red maps cannot do difficulty 6-10 tiles from white maps, something is wrong, and it does not appear to have been addressed in this post. Yeah rewards are also bad, but that was only half the story. It makes gear progression early really rough. Another good mechanic ruined by difficulty/reward scaling.

Loot: when even veteran players are having difficulty sustaining maps and alchemy orbs something is really wrong. I do not know the numbers or what changed, but it is barren wasteland out there right now, and people are clinging to league-mechanics like Expedition, not dependant on regular drops, to just sustain regular currency. It makes gear progression early really rough.

Game just feels so bad right now, and with no new or buffed meta builds for 3 leagues in a row, there is nothing new to distract us.
Big fuckin' yikes, fellas. RIP.

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