widescreen resolution removed from the game.

I don't have widescreen, not gonna have it ever. But bring it back for the people who have it.
Is it only a fullscreen problem? Ive been playing on windowed fullscreen with 21/9 and to me it looks the same as before. Maybe im blind?
16:9 exists, use it. 32:9 isn't supported by Windows.
bvanharjr wrote:
16:9 exists, use it. 32:9 isn't supported by Windows.

... what?

Buy a new monitor for a game that used to support your monitor but out of the blue stopped supporting it, or what are you suggesting?

Also, in which way is Windows not supporting 32:9?

(I am on 21:9, but I can see no reason for not supporting 32:9, this isn't a competitive game like Starcraft II)
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Last edited by Char1983#2680 on Sep 21, 2022, 3:08:52 AM
bvanharjr wrote:
16:9 exists, use it. 32:9 isn't supported by Windows.

I'm using 7680x1440... which is 32:6 — wonderfully supported by windows and also poe untill the patch.
Bump. Get real, GGG.

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