widescreen resolution removed from the game.
1 year, 304 days
There are zero defensible arguments for the inclusion of black bars in this game. Fix it, GGG Thank you, black bar crew, for using all your keyboard powers to help keep this at the top of the forum and, by your repeated illogical silliness, to prove my point that black bars cannot be reasonably defended. 1) This is a non competitive PvE game apart from races and PvP. 2) Many advantages are allowed, both software and hardware. Selectively removing 32:9 is simply arbitrary. 3) Bug fixes, AI adjustments, fog of war, FOV changes - all examples of acceptable responses to problems with ultrawide resolutions. Black bars are not acceptable or required. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Jun 17, 2024, 7:24:24 AM
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Not only GGG consider PoE to be competitive.Even you consider PoE to be competitive, otherwise why would you keep your rankings in your forum sub?
" Even those ranks indicate that game is competitive. I know it, you know it, GGG know it. Denying reality doesn't change it - PoE is competitive. Sorry, if you want unfair paid advantage - I hope it will never happen. Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"
I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like. |
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Screen: Disclaimer: Calculations within 1% margin of error. A)U.Wide. 1132 x 1.27 = 1437.64 pixels. 13,5% wider for each side. 305 pixels wider than standard. B)16:9. 1132 pixels wide. Wide Range Reference: 16:9(Top). Stacked: U.Wide > 16:9 > 4:3 (Middle). U.Wide (Bottom). Strong Box Reference (Middle Left). All images stacked adequately to assure quality. ![]() Skill in Question: Tornado Shot Lightning Strike Bladestorm Empirical Tests: The baseline used was un-juiced T16 with 90%+ quant. Tree used: ![]() Map Sample used: ![]() Videos: Tests for U.Wide vs 16:9 agro distance. U.Wide x 16:9 Top Left against mildly active enemies:https://puu.sh/K8z8S/125159ac5a.mp4. Enemies do not agro. Wide x 16.9 Approach against fairly active enemies:https://puu.sh/K8zaw/ea95ea59e7.mp4. 16:9 enemies agro. Direct horizontal Sight wide:https://puu.sh/K8zc4/b4955c3af5.mp4. 10 seconds to agro. Direct horizontal Sight 16:9:https://puu.sh/K8zc7/199e978cbc.mp4. Instant agro. This proves an advantage exists. But you might as well say that it's impractical to use it on a regular play. Extra paper 0% exp TS Build: Build proof: ![]() ![]() Essence Monster 1 x 0% exp TS build: https://puu.sh/K8zj6/c7e5856e6a.mp4. @24 seconds, meteor does 3/4 of my life. Unsafe at 16:9. Pretty safe at U.Wide. Essence Monster 2 x 0% exp TS build: Wide x essence:https://puu.sh/K8zto/4729d40dee.mp4 I can reliably keep track of him. Blood corruption rarely spawns near me. Yes, i smooth brained near the end with 16:9. 16:9 x essence:https://puu.sh/K8zty/920fc8e23c.mp4 I can't keep track of him in the same way. Blood corruption spawns near me constantly. I could attack from offscreen, but that diminishes damage substantially. The survivability aspect i'm putting in question pertains to the distance one has from the monsters when you are playing an absolute paper build. The damage aspect i'm putting in questions pertains to the damage output sustainability and increased damage from Far Shot. But you are probably right, MB is not budget friendly. You know what is? Headhunter. https://poe.ninja/economy/necropolis/unique-accessories?name=Headhunter Which also makes able to do relatively juiced maps with mirror of delirium. I made a video with the same character but it was too large and i don't have a way to cut it atm. Oneshot BS build: Build proof. Forgot about life: 5693 mana:851 ES:0. ![]() Essence Monster 3 x Paper(?) BS build x 4:3: https://puu.sh/K8zyc/6dcbc00b24.mp4 Then we convert that same BS build to the same stats as the TS build: ![]() Essence Monster 4 x Paper BS Build: https://puu.sh/K8zFX/2f6a915de8.mp4 Yeah. So, should you get U.Wide or keep 16:9? Tornado Shot: U.Wide gives QoL and damage increase for TS and similar builds. Lightning Strike: similar performance, but has tradeoff as projectiles do less damage. Bladestorm: literal waste of money. " Let's see what you concluded and apply it to a few simple questions: U.Wide doesn't affect tanky builds? You would be correct. Mostly QoL. U.Wide doesn't affect oneshot builds? You would be correct. Mostly QoL. U.Wide doesn't affect melee builds? You would be correct. Mostly QoL. LS is not melee. /s. U.Wide doesn't affect ranged builds? Partially correct. It will increase Tornado Shot and Toxic Rain damage and survivability(builds that need to click on the enemy location precisely), but Kinetic Bolt, Split Arrow and other projectile based builds are unaffected. U.Wide doesn't affect paper builds? You would be incorrect. U.Wide is large enough so that it can and will affect mapping survivability and visibility. Which makes me wonder. You yourself said that U.Wide "has no correlation with access to ways of negating mobs attack capabilities", yet i've proved the advantage exists and i've proved that it does affect survivability in projectile paper builds, and let me stress this again, does fuck all for melee, so i'll ask again, why try to force GGG do address something that beyond U.Wide is at best useless, by your own words, and at worst gives an advantage to mostly ranged builds, also being a QoL that GGG doesn't benefit one cent off of? 1)It has a player based economy, making it inherently competitive. Denial and lack of understanding is hardly proof against. Most of the best delve players literally keep their accounts hidden as to not disclose information to others. 2)Which is bannable. 3)It is. It's like saying water isn't wet and refusing to elaborate. Your opinion doesn't change a fact. You yourself spam the same Invincible Ignorance fallacy every day saying "repeated illogical silliness" instead of actually coming up with a logical defense. But keep at it, i'm sure who is winning everyone's hearts acting like that. 0 year, 9 days that proof was given that further extending vision is abusable. No "fix" needed. Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
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I don't really get why people are so against it coming back. It was aviable up to sentinel league included, and it didn't really bother much. Furthermore, GGG never stated that they removed it for any fairness or competitive reasons.
While I understand some concerns, it also obviously comes from people who never tested one of thoses 32/9 aspect ratio screens. It really isn't like streching the game on a smaller screen (something that was possible and gave an edge before, on that I agree). Screenshots and picture edits to show the increased information displayed are a bit misleading, because we are looking at thoses on a smaller scale than the real thing. What you see on a more common 21/9 1440p display is what you get right in front on you on a 5120x1440 49' display. The extra pixels that get rendered are at the edge of your field of view, not right in front of you. It does change a lot of things, as we do not see and process what we see (mostly movement) in our peripheral vision the same way as right in front of us. I had the opportunity to enjoy Sentinel league with an odyssey G9, right before the removal of the support. I played several leagues after that too with black bars. If I had to choose the aspect ratio that allowed me to be the most efficient, it would be 21/9, no questions asked. Having irrelevant things happening in my peripheral vision was much more distracting that useful, and it got me a quite decent amount of easily avoidable deaths. But playing with the game on the complete display was much more immersive and subjectively fun to me, I really miss it. The other big issue that I have with thoses black bars, is that I didn't see any improvement on framerate/GPU usage after they got added to the game... It means that things still get rendered behind. If black bars are here to stay, I'd like at least to have a way to render only what I have the right to see, it's a waste of compute power and electricity as it is right now. |
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" Out of curiosity, what do you define "allowing you to see an unintended amount of the level at once" as? Also, why all 32:9 supporters glance over "This is the widest that we can currently go before we start hitting the cutoff where entities and effects vanish" and ignore it completely? Ruthless should be [Removed by Support]. Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro#4713 on Jun 17, 2024, 10:58:08 AM
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" Yup. This was basically a made up line of reasoning that some people in the community invented to support GGG's decision to remove 32:9. As you can see reading this thread, there are people who repeatedly fail to understand the nature of PoE as a game (it is a noncompetitive PvE game, and all of its mechanics and design prove this). They appear to believe that because some players play with a competitive mindset, the game is thus a competitive game, not realizing that by this standard literally every video game is - at least in theory - a competitive PvP game, which is absurd. Outside of competitive races and PvP, it's hilariously confused reasoning to suggest that "fairness" or "competitive integrity" is a legitimate reason to black bar 32:9 and other ultrawide screens in this game, which is no doubt why GGG stuck to the more sensible reason(s) of technical issues. The problem is that GGG isn't a small indie dev, and black bars aren't an acceptable solution to technical problems for a company of this size. They should fix the issues, not slam black bars onto people's screens for no good reason. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Jun 17, 2024, 11:02:28 AM
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" No, it is weilded as an argument against adding it back. GGG's reasoning is visible in the 2nd post of this thread for everyone to see. The bad faith in this is astonishing. The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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" 1 year, 304 days, GGG already did a fix almost 2 years ago for obvious good reasons. Fix your hardware if you're so triggered about the proper solution of black bars. Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
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" You misunderstand the entire thread.... We aren't against it coming back. That isn't even in the argument. The argument is WHY it was removed, and that the loudest voice wants them to "fix" an issue that was actually an issue which they fixed by removing UW. I don't think there is a single person here who is AGAINST UW coming back...provided the developers feel like the game is able to support it correctly. |
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" Well, there are some here who states that it was removed for balance purposes, thoses obviously didn't read GGG's full statement. The last part is very clear on the point. It's a "visual polish" (for the lack of a better term to describe it) patch. I understand that, and you can look at my previous post, I didn't talk about "fixing" anything related to removing the black bars or something of the sort, I'm just talking about my experience when UW was aviable. That aside, most of the UW enjoyers here were quite OK with thoses visual hiccups, but I completely understand that the devs does not want to show part of the game that are not correctly handled. It's just a bit wierd to me that they waited almost 10 years to do that. At some point it was assumed that they didn't really care or and it was fine imho. GGG's post also suggest that they would like to increase the render distance server-side at some point. But it would also be nice to not render client-side what's behind the black bars while we wait for for a possible UW comeback. Last edited by onexxx#0361 on Jun 17, 2024, 2:34:18 PM
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