widescreen resolution removed from the game.

Bump. Revert this change.
Bump. When will it be fixed?
Bump - ridiculous that we're a week into the league and this nonsense pervades.
The servers are clearly still doing the work as are the clients with the black bars, so please, just give us our immersion back, it wasn't an unfair advantage, but it did make the game FEEL better as your field of view is fully encompassed with POE.
Fix it, GGG
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
This game has had ultrawide support ever since I started playing years and years ago. Why now? Why? Patch notes and league trailer revealed a UI revamp for ultrawide and you remove all support? I don’t understand what’s happening with this game. I love path of exile and some of these changes just make no sense. Please reconsider. This is such a pointless change to a big part of how a lot of people play path of exile. Please.
Not purchasing any MTX or supporter packs until this is reverted.
I don't have a widescreen, but this seems like the sort of thing that should get some pretty high priority.

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