Enabling the Trade Site for Console Players
I bet just looking for an item you want will time you out of poe while tabbed especially if its not a basic unique or something. Also Im sure we will not have the add on pc has where they can click on a item in their inventory and it auto fills for that item in poe trade making it infinitely easier to pc items. Its not like we are getting a product equal to or close to pc, its going to be far inferior.
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Personally having made the switch from PC to Console a few leagues back when POE came to XBox, I am sorry to see Console Trade go the way of PC. Sure searching for things is easier on PC, but come on... to interact with the 3rd party site via browser and trade in a similar manner on Console... uhg - this will be a real PIA - but hey, "friction" right?
For my two cents I would like to see Console Trade stay the same with one exception. If I post a trade with a Buy Out price and someone offers that price - it should auto accept and complete the trade. I see no reason we have to leave a map, waste a portal, stop our gaming, to return to hideout or town to accept the offered currency for the price that I said I would accept. It is craziness. I didn't set a "haggle" price or a "make offer" suggestions. I set a price that says - "hey give me this much and you can have it" This would pretty much solve price fixing and discourage the whole frustration of trying to buy things only to have the seller decline to take the payment for the buyout price they set. I don't know, I like the idea of cross platform/trade, but think you would be better served to move PC in the direction of Console trade board rather than the other way around. The whisper button is nice though - I will make use of it when I am on PC testing my league starts before they drop on Console, and I could just go SSF and abandon trade I guess... hmm, that may be the ticket. |
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" These are pretty weak arguments for why we should go away from a tradeboard. If you think price fixing, low balling, flipping, etc are going away you are wrong. Just look at pc, all those things are live and well. In fact, only the people who can completely master how to search on poe trade will be able to manipulate items effectively and efficiently , which will be the same try hard people that cause most of the problems currently. The only thing poe trade will be good for is looking for those odd rares or bases for crafting. You yourself stated there are only a handful of meta crafters on console. So we should switch to poe trade because of 5 or 10 crafters? Last edited by volgaris#1012 on Aug 17, 2022, 1:43:14 PM
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Yes!! TY I cant wait for this. The TB has been bad for so LONG.....
And maybe crossplay etc... down the road?? Yes please! So stash tab pricing when?? :) Keep up the great work. Cant wait to play more. |
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having gone back to PC after some leagues on console what I miss the most is console trading
possibly the best part of console trading is that you can search for an item, make a offer and go mapping, it doesn't matter to me if a player will trade immediatly or in a few hours, cause the game would only stop for the time I'm searching It also made me engage with trade, something I dread on PC, since I can just post my itens and when someone makes an offer I just press "yes". No invite, no finding my item, no checking the currency to avoid scans honestly I think you guys should take a look into a way of making a new system. Sure trade on PC is very precise but everyone hates it... Do you really want to be a game company known for "the garbage trade experience"? hope you guys can find another solution |
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" It's much easier to master searching on the trade site than on the board. How many know there is a way to filter for six links, or any other regex tricks. It's super easy to do on the trade site. Want a certain amount of resists there is a drop down filter for it right there, same for any Stat you could want. I never said any of those were going away. I said the time investment to deal with them will be much smaller. I remember last league I spent an hour trying to upgrade my gloves. I found some that were perfect, by my low standards, after 15 minutes of searching through 4 separate bases. Even found a few fall back pieces just in case. Put in the exact amount. Waited 10 minutes resending the trade like 2 times and got no response. Moved on to the next best piece, same thing. After 4 or 5 tries finally got an accepted trade. This took me over an hour. I was lucky that time. I've had similar situations where I got no responses. Using a trade site I would have found the gloves in 2 minutes and sent messages to all the sellers and either had the gloves in 10 minutes or got nothing and moved on. It's an hour versus 10 minutes. That's where I see the improvement with using the trade site. I do wish they would leave currency trading on the board. |
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" I'm pretty sure the answer to that is yes. They have stated they want trade to have friction. It's why console trade had crappy search and pc didn't have asynchronous trades. Here is an old topic from them on trade https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2025870 |
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For a company thay loves money and micro transactions, you sure don't love my money, because with these changes I will be skipping this league and buying zero supporter packs. A huge step backwards is not an improvement.
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Instead of these overwhelmingly hated changes just do one league, ONE FUCKING LEAGUE, with the trade board and buy now options. Watch how positive the feedback is. Just do it once instead of this “we have to make players hate our game” garbage design philosophy.
Be transparent cause going on this direction given how shit your trade site actually functions is a blatant lie. People want cross play so you used it to justify changes people don’t like. That bot on PC is a going to ignore my trade request just like the dirt bags setting items at lower prices but reject all offers in an attempt to get other players to price the same items lower and they buy them up. Last edited by Bushdoctor_420#9836 on Aug 17, 2022, 2:13:52 PM
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the console game and the PC version aren't the same game and therefor can't be crossplay
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