Sentinel League and Kirac's Vault Pass End Soon

Hurry up and get your spider mtx before it gets blasted!

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Asag wrote:
GlebKosha wrote:

no 100lvl characters, 9 achievments in sentinel league. lul, u didnt play in poe.

I don't enjoy Sentinel league so why I should play it?

And you started in Blight league so in 3.8.0 in 2019 while I play since Ambush league (so 1.1.0 version released in 2014). Also you never scored 40/40 so why do you even talk like that?

yes, but right way to say "i dont play since ambush league" cose u didnt kill uber bosses in sentinel [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Aug 10, 2022, 6:05:44 PM
GlebKosha wrote:
Asag wrote:
GlebKosha wrote:

no 100lvl characters, 9 achievments in sentinel league. lul, u didnt play in poe.

I don't enjoy Sentinel league so why I should play it?

And you started in Blight league so in 3.8.0 in 2019 while I play since Ambush league (so 1.1.0 version released in 2014). Also you never scored 40/40 so why do you even talk like that?

yes, but right way to say "i dont play since ambush league" cose u didnt kill uber bosses in sentinel [Removed by Support]

in his defence
i also play since ambush league and i farmed more 200+ mavens carrying friends and whatnot
but i hated sentinel league to the point of not even trying all uber bosses, this league made me think that lost ark is more balanced than poe lolololol
plus having a challenge tick nowadays means nothing, you can get carried in most of them by visiting TFT...or can you prove you solo everything? you don't need to answer this btw, be more civil and respect ppl's opinions
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Aug 10, 2022, 6:06:43 PM
Got Bored after losing all my mageblood cards, so fuck of for this vault as well. I spent anought money 'til now given the time consumed searching for an item i'm not "allowed" to find :3

Not satisfying at all for now, so maybe later (or not anymore if "rng" keep being shitty for me :)

Now is time to search for not too nerfed build :D
Would love to see some leveling uniques in the next Vault pass.

Stuff that everyone uses often. If you put like Wanderlust, Tabula etc in these they will be much more appealing.
No. Ty
Last edited by FahhQ_Dude#9171 on Aug 5, 2022, 1:48:05 PM
ShaddixAcc wrote:
Release Kirac's Vault with nice Arakali knife looks.
Literally kills Arakali build with next league...
Good Job mr. Trickster.
I'm wondering if this is actually intentional, for some bizarre reason.

First pass had headhunter, brokenly weak for next league launch. Buffed later, but took their time and didn't do a good job.

Vault passes for me are in the "fool me once..." category. Fix headhunter for all specs it worked for before (*cough* echoist) or I don't consider getting another. Which would likely require reverting archnemesis mods, and I consider that win-win.
its an Mtx afterall u hardly looking at ur character while mapping
Knowledge is power. Guard it well ,Blood Ravens.
Be sure to grab your Reaper, Arcanist, Wyrm, and Emberkeep packs here before they are gone forever.

Ah, F.O.M.O., what a nice mechanic

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