:D Nice. Expect next league.
Posted byEldoria_Shadow#2110on Jul 19, 2022, 10:19:17 AMBanned
Good choice! Recombinators were too overpowered and destroying the game. Made it too easy and ridiculus items
Posted by_Keijo_#2960on Jul 19, 2022, 10:30:19 AM
Ppl still make ridiculus items, recomb where a fun way of giving value to worthless stuff, i have no idea why GGG is so scared of letting everyone craft, any league that makes crafting accesible gets severly nerfed, they just need to realize ppl will make crazy items anyway and the game will be more accesible with easier crafting options.
Posted bynicolasrm#4376on Jul 19, 2022, 10:36:11 AM
This game gonna be so empty without sentinels xD
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Posted byPsVRTwo#1022on Jul 19, 2022, 11:11:02 AM
Kinda hoped it will be added to core.
Easy and seamless mechanic.
Posted byBabuun#3933on Jul 19, 2022, 11:15:26 AM
if/when it does go core... PLEASE give us the option to turn it off without using tree points if we don't want to be forced to see it like all the other core mechanics. some people like it while others do not. it's nice that we can turn some things off but it's at the expense of points that could be better used in other places. just put the on/off options in the options/game menu where it should be in the first place for game content we don't want so they will act like a dlc that MANY games have
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
Posted byspaceace7373#7726on Jul 19, 2022, 11:56:39 AM
Recombinators won't drop anymore
please don't do that. i love combines rng.
Posted byStraightXEdgeX#0126on Jul 19, 2022, 12:13:53 PMBanned
Best league in 2 years not going core...... make another archneemesis pls.... or BLIGHT , HEIST , EXPEDITION , RITUAL , ULTIMATUM..... hope you make it into the core after the changed needed.... also what about recombinators???
Posted byRulky#5334on Jul 19, 2022, 12:18:14 PM
eldest-bike4 wrote:
StalkerWaffle wrote:
I don't understand these 5 challenge people calling recombinators overpowered, or streamers complaining about them. For crafting truly mirror tier items you will still delete hundreds of exalts from the game trying to recombinate which help the longevity of the league as well as the economy.
I don't think people understand just how many tries it takes to create a good item with mods that are not rollable on the base you want to get, they just see the end result and assume everyone will get that first try.
As for the use for lower playrers and SSF recombinators finally made the game actually playable, as you could transfer fractures from a worthless base to a good one, and allowing crafting of medium tier non inf gear(especially jewelry).
Even in their current state recombinators MUST stay in the game or AN needs to be gutted or removed because:
-75% res 5k hp is laughable you will get oneshot by one (1) rare,making it literally mandatory for everyone to use determination melding of the flesh-- 30k armor 90% all res 100% spell supp, or you will not be able to do endgame content.
-Heralding minions spawns obelisks on top of you with no indication of where the mob is, and it has slightly higher range than 2 1080p screens.
-Malediction being 30% more dmg taken and less dmg dealt is simply retarded, and what makes it more inexcusable is that you literally can't tell which mob is doing it to you as there is nothing to point you to it like effigy, which is super fun when you play HC.
-temporal bubble + delirium action speed degen, can completely stop you, unless you have dash (skill action speed cannot be modified below base value)
-storm strider/magma barrier damage and how fast it procs is just XD, i see no use for these 2 mods and they should have been flushed down the toilet along volatile dead.
-empowered elements ,benevolent guardian - to be removed from the game. whoever greenlit its implementation to be fired, whoever realized that having invulnerable mobs in blight a whole week after league launch just XD mates.
-ailment immunity mods on mobs to have that part removed, i am baffled that something like this was even considered.
All in all the league overall wasn't too bad if you knew what you were doing or had HC experience, but what i've noticed doing a Priv league HC SSF 10% more dmg,10% act speed, 15% phys as extra ele. is that there's a HUGE spike in difficulty from yellow to red tier maps. especially for new players who if they had actually bothered to learn the game themselves will find themselves from breezing acts on a 4 link and early maps, to treating essence mobs and bad rares as if they were sirus, and give magic packs that have their type of damage resistance a wide berth.
I would also recommend slowly incrementing melee skills' effectiveness of added damage by 10-15% a league and see what is the threshold for them not being unusably bad. Assuming there isn't a melee rework already in progress.
First challenge mean nothing i not even read them , many ppl not care for them and rng grind is not “ challenge”
So to put 100% increase global defence + spell supp on vaal reaglia you need mirrors ????? You think this is ok ?
Just want your opinion no trolling
With vaal reagalia like this power creep is so big that GGG will HAVE TO gut to death builds beacuse of gear like this
This my opinion and although i love op shit i think for health of game recomb is beter to go
i mean just a clean 100% global def is 10ex a try, then you have to assume you're gonna roll human tier defense modifiers and keep them all and roll spell suppression as well, and then hope you add another human suffix via ais veil without killing the item and having to reroll, the odds of you rolling all of the mods above t1 and that they all actually transfer is decent bit of copium, no?
For example you can see the shield on my char WooferIsNotDead, with t3% fire +1 fire spell t1 life, +3max fire res, t2 spell supp, took me a hundred or so ex and a lot of cancerous rolling , and then the recombinators lowered the tiers of the rolls as well.
the success rate of transferring mods cannot be lowered any more because it's already bad if you wanna transfer 3 wanted prefixes out of 5, and keep in mind that just getting some of them is a straight up 10ex cost or more.
I agree that we shouldn't see 4 fracture items but i see no reason to not have a frac suff and pref as it won't impact the balance too bad.
Also i can not emphasize enough how much it matters to drop a delve fracture or a high tier weapon fracture on a dogshit base and you would otherwise just vendor the item that had like 0.000000000001% chance to drop with that mod frac.
Or now that you can't just awakener orb a +2 ammy for some stupid reason, or how good you need to have your items made now to not get tapped by AN mods.
Posted byStalkerWaffle#4489on Jul 19, 2022, 12:54:01 PM
nicolasrm wrote:
Ppl still make ridiculus items, recomb where a fun way of giving value to worthless stuff, i have no idea why GGG is so scared of letting everyone craft, any league that makes crafting accesible gets severly nerfed, they just need to realize ppl will make crazy items anyway and the game will be more accesible with easier crafting options.
They do this because they they can keep people huffing copium and hopeium for the next league so when people log on at the start they can tell the investors "Look at this people are always joining the game and are loving it!" at the end of the day what do you do to addicts give them a good high take it away so when the next high comes they are thankful for the iv drip of power. (still salty over harvest). enjoy the power lose and when it hits again you will be praising them for the power increase. SAME OLD THING EVER TIME. see you addicts next league *rubbing teeth* yep yep.
Posted byLightesthour#7731on Jul 19, 2022, 12:57:24 PM