Zizaran’s Class Gauntlet Event Starts on July 15!

No guaranteed prizes no thanks. Fell for this last time.
Mokurp wrote:
JohnBregol wrote:
ahh yes SSFHardcore where everyone uses a Logout Macro to avoid Death, the true PoE experience.

well in the softcore people can just use rmt and buy perfect gear real quick a lost ark experience i guess

If only GGG would implement a SSFSC mode too....
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Alot of HC hate on this thread. Very suprising, why not try HC or just skip.
Thanks for saving my time by not adding guaranteed rewards. See you in 3.19
No Guaranteed lv50 Box ? :/
Well maybe next time
When people do the effort of organizing an events and go and find sponsors and pay people to cast, etc, all the stuff that s needed for an event to exist, and those people are not working at ggg, the last thing you should do is come and criticize them [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Jul 16, 2022, 4:25:02 PM
No Guarantee rewards and low number of rewards given hmmm. Think I rather do overtime at my job and spent on something rewarding.
zsirfoka wrote:
Another of this stupid SSFHC races for feeding Ziz's ego.
Boring Streamer events, feels so Blizzard-ish.

Yo, who peed in your cereal?
Last edited by hyyyben on Jul 16, 2022, 6:51:42 AM
GBman wrote:
No Guaranteed lv50 Box ? :/
Well maybe next time

If you dont wanna play, then dont..why spam the thread?
Sielin wrote:
Why not just ban DD, seismic, and eab? Same meta, easier mods, uber bosses just mean the same thing from last league, so booooring to watch. Those three excel so much that trying my own build on the event feels pointless.

Why do you care about what other ppl are doing..[Removed by Support] do your own thing dude
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Jul 16, 2022, 4:19:28 PM

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