Windowed Fullscreen Problems

Any updates on if this issue will be resolved? I've never had to do this with any other game and I'm assuming it should be a pretty easy fix. It knows what that last/saved resolution was and then changes it once it detects the taskbar. All I do to change it is change it to Windowed, then revert changes to get back to my normal screen resolution.
Yup it's pretty annoying and only happens when the task bar is aligned to the left or to the top. It's pretty obvious that they're using the screen's working area to align the window (basically what isn't covered by the task bar) instead of client area (total available space).

I wrote a simple script some time ago for another game and figured I'd share it in adapted form if you like. I hate messing with the resolution on my system and and windowed fullscreen on my third screen. The script can be easily adapted for that too.

Drop the script to your Path of Exile folder, the one that contains PathOfExile.exe and run it. (This is important because if you placed it, say, on your desktop with a full path to PathOfExile.exe, it'd start downloading the Content.ggpk again) It uses Windows PowerShell and requires Microsoft .NET Framework runtime installation for the Windows API interaction.

To get it to run with the command line:
> powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File poe-docked-wfs.ps1

But if you haven't ever touched PowerShell and want to run it without the command line, you need to open up PowerShell or PowerShell ISE (as administrator) and write
> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass

and hit Return. (Disclaimer: Never EVER execute powershell scripts that you do not trust if you set the ExecutionPolicy to Bypass or Unrestricted!)

I don't expect anyone to like this solution, but it works for me for multiple screens - and since I hate the resolution switching, blinking etc. It's a small convenience but a convenience nonetheless while we wait for GGG to fix it. The script can also be adapted with small changes to move the window to other screens despite being in windowed fullscreen.

EDIT: Fixed typos and added more information for devs.
Last edited by sandcastle334#7440 on Jun 10, 2019, 11:02:04 AM
I have just upgraded to windows 10. I use 2 monitors and had problems with windowed full screen. So I googled and found this thread.

I have fixed my problem. And that's how:

In windows I have set up the monitor that is running the game as primary monitor.
I have put the task bar on the secondary monitor by "un ticking" the setting "lock the task bar". and dragging to the desired spot on the secondary monitor.
After that I had no problems whatsoever.

In my opinion its much better and more handy to have the task bar on the second monitor.
That way I can have the most space on my "working space".

If I was running 1 monitor id just use full screen. I see no use in running windowed full screen on 1 monitor.

Hope that can help the next guy.


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