Performance getting worse sometimes (CPU latency)

fernandovicentini wrote:
Everytime I have lots of things happening on screen (juicy maps) the game starts to spike a lot. Its basically unplayable for a few seconds and I just try to run/blink to avoid dying.

Ryzen 5 2600X + GTX1070 here (16GB ram DDR4).

I think GGG don't give a fuck to these issues. I didn't a single reply from them.
Hopefully its on their radar and they deploy some game performance improvements next patch/league.

did you ever find a solution ? i also have ryzen cpu and in juiced deli maps i get 50-150ms cpu spikes that render the game unplayable
Very cool mirror Service:
I'm getting the same BS and my system isn't garbage.

32gig ram

I doubt GGG are looking into as from my understanding most hardcore group players have moved to cloud based gaming which fixed all their problems...

SO out of sight out of mind for them...
Last edited by Sakadi#5408 on Aug 1, 2022, 5:24:45 AM
THe CPU latency with multi-threading has been an issue for at least 6 months. It has never been acknowledged and it seems to randomly fix or break every patch (big or small). 3.17 started with it, after a few patches it went away and was fine until the 5th hotfix of 3.18 which broke it again.

Turn off multi-threading gets rid of the cpu spikes but tanks general performance.

The best solution I've found is to leave multi-threading on in game but to manually turn off affinity in task manager. I've an old i5 2550k and I turn off two of my 4 cores.
Last edited by MrPing1000#5148 on Aug 1, 2022, 7:44:09 AM
if you have: "Nvidia Control Panel" Try this. Should increase performance.

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