The Well-dressed Exile Competition

Premium Category

Last edited by PNUTBTERONBWLZ on Jul 1, 2022, 1:14:33 PM

Ice Lich! premium category
Last edited by verath87 on Jul 1, 2022, 4:39:48 PM
Let's go :D)

I'll add my own favourite ... Unfortunately, my web-fu is not strong today, so I'll just put the links below.

(I did try to use the Image button, but it just resulted in a broken link.)

For the Premium (microtransaction) category, here is my "Celestial Phoenix":

Microtransactions used:
Sunspire Hood (helmet skin)
Aureate Halo (helmet attachment)
Phoenix Body Armour (body armour skin)
Phoenix Wings (body armour attachment)
Phoenix Glove (gloves skin)
Phoenix Boots (boots skin)
Perandus (footprints effect)
Celestial Character Effect (belt attachment)
Dragon Spear (weapon skin)
Celestial Weapon Effect (weapon effect)
Celestial Aura (aura skin)

Also in use:
Shaper Portal Effect
Phoenix Portrait Frame
Crystal Earthquake Effect (Earthquake skin)
Celestial Leap Slam Effect (Leap Slam skin)
Clockwork Golem (Summon Golem skin)
Summon Statues Skin (Summon Skeletons skin)

End result: a celestial firebird amongst the nebulae! :)
Last edited by BellonaAgain on Jul 3, 2022, 2:24:08 PM

Sweet contest :)
Last edited by LordNunu on Jul 1, 2022, 8:48:29 PM

Onyx Crimson Blend Set [Premium]
Weapon - Void Emperor [Wand]
Head - Fire Helmet
Gloves - Demon Parasite
Boots - Heartseeker
Shield - Vaal Shield
Premium Category

Normal Category

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