3.18.0d Patch Notes

GGG is definitely reading these comments because they deleted mine for being "too negative" so let me be positive here.

I'm so happy that when I play the game I don't get one shot by everything, except the hardest bosses in the game. It's awesome.

I'm so happy that this patch was so thoroughly tested with no bugs or issues, at all.

I'm so happy that everyone LOVES this patch so much...

I'm so happy that this patch definitely didn't cause so much issues that it caused actual fights between best friends and caused their friendship to break, that would be dreadful.

I hope that this patch never changes and I hope that it's never balanced

on a further positive note, this patch would have been a 10/10 for me, without Nemesis. It's a shame.
I've not played since the abomination known as 3.18 was released and have no intention of doing so till AN is history.

That said, reading the endless patch notes it's clear GGG's statement that it was fully tested and Chris was happy with the results was .. how can I put this .. not credible as it contains two mutually exclusive parts:

"fully tested" and "happy with the results"

If it was the former then GGG need to learn what 'fully testing' actually is because the massive nerfs released in the patches belie that statement .. if it was the latter then clearly their happiness lasted only as long as the massive player backlash to the non-optional 'hard mode' took to arrive.
Last edited by TheRealKraggy on May 30, 2022, 1:32:40 AM
So what's the time to increased the reward?
I kill a rare monster after 10min and got nothing?
Archnemesis implement in the core game is shit.
Archnemesis why not go the atlas tree?

Please do it!
Last edited by San398 on May 30, 2022, 6:42:38 AM
Today the moment has come for me when I'm waiting for the next patch to realize whether it's worth playing this league to the end or leaving for other games (Thank you for GGG only for the fact that I finally went to a psychologist)

GGG the company was not taught that games should be enjoyed and not spoiled mood
Last edited by starusmd on May 30, 2022, 8:36:59 AM
SananMasa wrote:
GGG is definitely reading these comments because they deleted mine for being "too negative" so let me be positive here.

Dont get it wrong, GGG doesnt give a shit about us, non whale streamers. Your post has been edited or deleted by Forum Moderators, they apply a particular set of rules who doesnt apply the same for everyone (they allow haters to exist and they do nothing, so...)

The point is, even if they work here in the forums, they wont pass our feedback to people like chris or bex who actually does nothing.

They already know archnemesis is trash, and effigy alone is killing the game, they wont move a finger. If they edit your post without permission, just write the same again, leaving their Edited by support tag, they wont notice.
Diablo 2 > Diablo 1 > Diablo 4 > Diablo > Torchlight > Titan Quest > Grim Dawn > Diablo Immortal > Path of Exile 2 > Path of Exile.
Last edited by Riverwind77 on May 30, 2022, 9:39:06 AM
Riverwind77 wrote:
SananMasa wrote:
GGG is definitely reading these comments because they deleted mine for being "too negative" so let me be positive here.

Dont get it wrong, GGG doesnt give a shit about us, non whale streamers. Your post has been edited or deleted by Forum Moderators, they apply a particular set of rules who doesnt apply the same for everyone (they allow haters to exist and they do nothing, so...)

The point is, even if they work here in the forums, they wont pass our feedback to people like chris or bex who actually does nothing.

They already know archnemesis is trash, and effigy alone is killing the game, they wont move a finger. If they edit your post without permission, just write the same again, leaving their Edited by support tag, they wont notice.

Yep I've been going round and round with the mods for stating that my posts were "needlessly negative" I am of the opinion that their negative for a reason, fix the game and they wont be negative, I know, I know, crazy concept.

hello, headhunter???
Riverwind77 wrote:
SananMasa wrote:
GGG is definitely reading these comments because they deleted mine for being "too negative" so let me be positive here.

Dont get it wrong, GGG doesnt give a shit about us, non whale streamers. Your post has been edited or deleted by Forum Moderators, they apply a particular set of rules who doesnt apply the same for everyone (they allow haters to exist and they do nothing, so...)

The point is, even if they work here in the forums, they wont pass our feedback to people like chris or bex who actually does nothing.

They already know archnemesis is trash, and effigy alone is killing the game, they wont move a finger. If they edit your post without permission, just write the same again, leaving their Edited by support tag, they wont notice.

Trust me GGG don't care about whales either... I payed/donated far too much to GGG and i hate the living s... out of this league... It is the worst they have ever released and i have complained too with no result Sadge.
Riverwind77 wrote:
SananMasa wrote:
GGG is definitely reading these comments because they deleted mine for being "too negative" so let me be positive here.

Dont get it wrong, GGG doesnt give a shit about us, non whale streamers. Your post has been edited or deleted by Forum Moderators, they apply a particular set of rules who doesnt apply the same for everyone (they allow haters to exist and they do nothing, so...)

The point is, even if they work here in the forums, they wont pass our feedback to people like chris or bex who actually does nothing.

They already know archnemesis is trash, and effigy alone is killing the game, they wont move a finger. If they edit your post without permission, just write the same again, leaving their Edited by support tag, they wont notice.

Yeah I know, they are no better than Twitter Admins. They can't take the truth so they censor the playerbase. Kinda sad. But that's what happens. I can't wait for Immortal.

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