Feedback on New Microtransactions

Supporter packs
(+) change from armour sets to effects
(-) available only for a league instead of two, like previous packs

>> current packs a bit of hit and miss but overall good change in direction. Perhaps alternate between armour sets and effects for leagues.

Mystery boxes
(+) no duplicates
(-) variations are too small, only change of colours

Kirac's vault
(+) extra motivation for map objectives
(-) extra motivation for map objectives for $ I'm not willing to spend, not for a casual mapper like me who isn't into chase items
zun4m1 wrote:
First of all, the Mystery Box.
I have to tip my hat to you guys for doing a consumer friendly move, thank you for that. I just really hope it comes from a place of good will and not some other reason like circumventing legal stuff surrounding loot boxes in some country or whatnot. any way, was the first loot box i spend money on in years.
50/50 because the weapon treasure effect is just amazing for any build without Herald, and 50/50 hoping this box is succsesfulll so you guys can keep doing consumer friendly decisions without feeling like idiots.

Kiracs Vault,
I am not a Headhunter player, never was, i had one here and there for maybe 1 week or 2 but thats it. but the fomo still hit and i bought it. I REALLY dont like this fomo shit. And in this case is even worse because now Headhunter is low-key dead (might get fixed might not does not matter) and thats the worse part. you are spending 30 bucks on the "chance" that you might play a build with these items, but only if you guys dont nerf it (active or passive). and that feels just sooo wrong to me. you guys were always so pround of the fact you release the box mtx later to the store, and now seeing the Pass is kinda sad. Maybe think about releaseing the mtx later to the store on a higher price (like 20 bucks per piece) , that would be fine with me because than the pass would be a really good deal wich is attractive. but for some1 like me who might never get a mageblood can chill. and if i later get one and didnt buy the pass i can pay extra to get it. but at least its not gone, and right now i am spending money on mtx i will maybe NEVER use ONCE. that just feels horrible.

New Supporter Packs

I really like the direction, i just did not really like many of them, the best one for me was the quicksilver flask, but 90 bucks for that was a bit high for that. i would love supporter packs that come with and are themed around a skill mtx, or maybe a pack of a bunch of skill effects or something. sorry not that creative over here -.-

tldr: boxes amazing, vault pass bad because fomo bad, support packs good but not for me

Not getting the exact same item is a step in the right direction.

But then they upped the price and diluted the table with TONS of color variants.

61 Items to get the exact color of an exact item you want.

If they added say, Exchanging two colors of items of a specific type for the color you wanted, I would be on board.

Whales will still buy every box for one of everything, but players that don't whale can get the colors they want on the items they want without shelling out 200 bucks.
i know its a bit of a stooge request, but some kind of point-refund for past duplicates would be nice, without any additional cost, just clear them out from our MTX stashe.
You know, seeing how this new mystery box is going and hopefully the old duplicate way is now obsolete. Also the fact that MTX 5+ years go was wayyy more subtle and less colorful than it is now
IGN: GoldenPepe
Returning player here, now there is somerthing called Kirac's vault? it is an area in Karui we need to pay to enter? Also now on maps we have an icon for it asking for money...

Is this the future of GGG? Limiting where we can go behind paywalls and placing glorified "pay now" buttons on prominent screens?
Last edited by Moessus on May 22, 2022, 7:16:42 AM
they look nice, but none for the skills i use.. so there is nothing for me to buy..

please make MTX for totem builds

or more general things that can be used by many builds


- mtx when you gain onslaught
- mtx when you gain arcane surge
- mtx when you spawn totem

but at the end of the day, once i bought my set of mtx, there is no reason for me to change..

so you gotta find seasonal mtx to make, otherwise there is no incentive to buy new things

battle pass is a good idea, but unfortunately, it is too expensive, 9.99€ would have been perfect pricing for me personally

i used to buy few mtx box a league, but now they are at 5€, so... less incentivized to buy unfortunately


also one last thing.. there is nothing to help people buy mtx

there is no preview on character, you have to buy, then you have to equip things and then you have to close all the UIs to see how it looks....

you need QoL for mtx purchasers...

QoL features is your weakness, nothing is made to encourage people to buy things

It's an archaic UI, with a terrible UX with horrible systems to preview.. manually


also most new MTX just hurt gameplay, like the new shockwave, it's very bad

you need to tune down their intensity

making things beautiful doesn't mean that's the only thing we see on the screen
Last edited by ryuukk33 on May 22, 2022, 7:24:53 AM
Moessus wrote:
Limiting where we can go behind paywalls

vault adds no content only MTX. Hopefully poe will never be p2p in such ways.
IGN: GoldenPepe
Visual clarity and immersion enjoyer here.

I'm the kind of person who buys Invisible buff effect to make my outfit very clean. I hate "christmas tree" mtx which overshadow other mtx, so I think what's really the point to care about the visuals then? With that in mind must say I absolutely love the new mystery box, both the new approach and the contents. The mtx look very modern and cool, yet not over the top for the most part. Love their interaction with certain gameplay mechanics (same goes for Kirac's pass, although I haven't purchased that one cause there was nothing I could specifically for my build).

However I don't like the Maroider mtx, it's way over the top to the point where it starts to ruin immersion because it looks a bit stupid in my opinion. I like the type of mtx that it is but I would tune down the muscle growth by like 80%. Other than that I'm very pleased with the mtx direction the game is going (also love challenge rewards).
Visual clarity and immersion enjoyer here.


However I don't like the Maroider mtx, it's way over the top to the point where it starts to ruin immersion because it looks a bit stupid in my opinion. I like the type of mtx that it is but I would tune down the muscle growth by like 80%. Other than that I'm very pleased with the mtx direction the game is going (also love challenge rewards).

Maroider breaks immersion? wtf, it perfectly fits the genre, you spec into strength, you develop muscle

it's realistic, it's for STR STACKING builds, STACKING!
Some of these escalating-with-skills MTX have pretty pitiful effects even at full ramp, like the phoenix helms and thunderstrike gloves I got.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
While the new direction of the Arcanist and Reaper supporter packs is interesting, the quantity of the MTX in the packs is very underwhelming for the price considering how all over the place the contents are - there is one or two MTX in each pack that I would enjoy, and I don't care about the rest at all (for example apparition effects, map device effects or flying drones are not my thing) - which ultimately ends up not being good enough collectively for me to justify paying $30/60/90 for it.
In my opinion the packs should be more specialized, for example one pack could contain a bunch of flask/belt MTX, the other portal/map device MTX and so on. I don't know if it's a good idea from a business standpoint but as a consumer this is what I would like to see.

Lootboxes in my opinion should be illegal as by design their purpose is exploiting gambling addicts so any change other than removing them altogether is not good enough.

I'm not a fan of Kirac's Vault Pass either, especially making it exclusive to temporary league players. If someone is playing in Standard they usually have a good reason for doing so and not wanting to start over, so dangling a carrot (which you have to pay for) in front of them won't be good enough to make them suffer through their 100th act playthrough. If the reason for locking Standard out of the battlepass is the ability to quickly complete the Atlas with legacy maps I'm sure there's a way to make the autocompletion not apply to Kirac's Pass progression. You're missing out on decent money here in my opinion.
When it comes to the contents of the current Kirac's Vault Pass I think the choice of the uniques is great, but some of the microtransactions are not what I have been hoping for. When I saw Rumi's Concoction is in it (and it being the first progression step of the pass, I wouldn't even need to play a lot to get it) I was going to buy the pass just for the Rumi's MTX (assuming I liked it). With my hopes up I opened the videopresentation of the MTX, expecting some cool barrier effect or something of the sort. Unfortunately the spectral bull thing is a complete miss for me.
I also dislike the ultimate reward, the Mageblood MTX - in my opinion it stands out too much and won't fit almost any armour set. The other MTX in the pass are pretty nice but none of them are used in builds that interest me so in general the Sentinel edition of the pass is a hard pass for me (no pun intended)

The Maroider skin is awesome, personally I don't play strength stackers but I'm looking forward to seeing more similar MTX concepts.
Last edited by borefficz on May 22, 2022, 9:46:17 AM

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