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What's Next for Archnemesis Modifiers - Part 3 (and list of modifiers)

Still BS... i cant play old mechanics cause they are way to strong still... cant use the new mechanic cause why the **** shouldi buff things i cant kill anyways? So why and how shouldi continue this league? Sry for the dissapoiontment. But rn there is no fun in running "maps" and killing white mobs in t1 - t5 maps...

POE 2 will fix everything, chill!
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
If Corrupter is in MAIN game can Minions (take less dmg from it) or Minions have a Mastery to Avoid it (as currently there is no tools to prevent that) and it just deletes Minions with Any amount of HP in 3-5 seconds.
Bone Armour "Necromancer" does not remove it (was changed long time ago).
Mana Siphoner mod explanation shows that you don't play the game

When Mana Siphoner appears it usually runs full speed at you and instantly removes all your mana

You can no longer use skills or run away unless you're using blood magic, which is a tiny % of the community or if you have SUPER end game investment and have 0 mana cost

Not only does Mana Siphoner drain ur mana, it DRAINS UR HP

It's almost instant death when it appears in game

You guys have not tested any of this clearly

Or if you did, you tested it with mirror tier builds and god mode turned on

Give me a break pls

Be honest and admit its untested af
Last edited by Bloomania#2606 on May 15, 2022, 3:41:45 AM
You have 3 types w stun immunity and 1 which prevents leech.

Imagine playing as a Boneshatter Slayer. Your ascendany and skill is only funcitoning if you can: stun and leech.

Then it is not a situation of rarely encountering difficult magic and rare combos, since you see Steel-infused, Bonebreaker, Juggernaut (cannot be stunned) and Vampiric (cannot leech) all the time in every instance.
Last edited by MinusEV#6493 on May 15, 2022, 3:48:45 AM
Okay for starters lets look at how rares used to exist in POE

They were just fodder until you ran into rares from specific leagues

For example, legion or abyss

Some rares would have mods that could 1 shot players even with HH buffs and a support

This was because of stacking mods from map mods, other rares having buffs, etc etc

It all multiplies together to create some EXTREMELY dangerous mobs

Not to mention that content like Deli has Unique bosses that OBLIERATE players....

So now, you guys have roughly added anywhere from 10-100x their previous power


Which means that now those fodder rares are usually as difficult as the map boss

The ACTUAL dangerous rares and now raid bosses

And the loot?

Non existent

All of these mods need MASSIVE NERFS

All the IMMUNE b.s. needs to be deleted

All the extra dmg mods need to be WAY TURNED DOWN

Guaranteed crit on every hit? Wtf is that

So many of these mods have ZERO counter play early on, only high investment builds can even deal with half of these mods

Some of these mods just straight up have no counter or anything you can even do to them

They are just busted and unbalanced

Can you devs please record yourself doing simulacrum, t16 100% deli, 6 essence modded rare, or deep delve with the way Sentinel was released in the first iteration?

I really wanna see how you guys thought this was okay

Seriously you did NOT PLAY TEST THIS








I refuse to believe it


You took all the bad of Arch Nemesis

And you removed all the good

Arch Nemesis was - build your own difficult rare and you are guaranteed... GUARANTEED LOOT

Sentinel Arch Nemesis is - You dont get to choose the mods, you also DONT get guaranteed loot

WTF is this?

You also straight up lied to us on the podcast

You specifically said single mods will not disable builds

You specifically said that you DONT want players to be constantly "waking up" while playing

You said it should happen every now and then

Everything you said about these mods being rebalanced and tested is just a straight up lie

I cannot believe the state the game was in, and is currently in

All hype is gone and dead for POE

I cant even trust anything you guys say in the future either

I really lost all faith in GGG because of what was said during the interview, and how it all really transpired

You guys have already done soo many things that you claim you've learned from

If anything this patch proves... you guys haven't learned a thing

You are TRYING to make your players hate the game

You guys are TRYING to make us quit early

I dont get it

Do you not want us to support the game anymore?

Do you just want us all to quit?

What is happening

This is depressing

Last edited by Bloomania#2606 on May 15, 2022, 4:05:47 AM
Realistically I don't think its even possible to get a good idea of context on the power of some of the mods interacting together on different types of rares until the IMMUNITY type mods are removed.

These mods seem to me to be too hard to balance in a way that doesn't fully destroy some build somewhere every time they encounter it. Maybe if they *must* stay, they could provide partial immunity to their relevant effect instead of complete immunity?
The mods are just painful and need to be reverted.

GGG needs to spend some time actually thinking about what it intends, rather than just throwing these Archnemesis mods into the main game without giving players the control they had during the league. It needs to consider how the mods might actually affect the viability of particular builds (in fact, probably all builds in some circumstances given some of the potential combinations).

I am not a player that levels in five minutes and then plays end-game for the rest of the league. Most of us aren't - and we do not want to be forced to play specific builds just to (hopefully, maybe) get past the trash and reach the boss.
As someone who doesn't play meta builds, even leveling has bind kind of annoying. I can't really believe this has been tested for non-meta players.
rafaelgxs wrote:
There could be a thing like 4 archnemesis mods would roll when a map would drop, just like an implicity

Rare monsters in that map would only have 1, 2, 3 or all 4 of them at a time, but only of those in that implicity

And them ppl could avoind combinations they didnt want, or look for ultra hard ones when they want..

That implicity would also give a % bonus on that map acordingly to that combination already

So easy combinations = less %

So farmers with top end builds with ultra juiced maps would want them

And more casual players could avoid them

I think that this would please u guys more while pleasi g players as well

... In acts there would only be 1 archnemesis mod at a any given time

Good idea.
Keep strong mods, but let us prepare for them.
Also, add what mods do in the in-game help.
Introduce the main mods bits by bits during acts (good way to learn them)

As for stacking bonuses, to prevent things going well out of hands, apply a logarithmic function (with a slope modulated by map level, to keep something challenging at high tier. Well, you can even invert it to exponential for the 0.1% minority of masochists).

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