What's Next for Archnemesis Modifiers - Part 3 (and list of modifiers)
You need different testers, or you actually need to listen to your testers, either way I'm glad I held off on giving yall money
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Mana Siphoner completely kills any Doryani's Prototype build.
Please remove the lightning Degen. Make it pulses of lightning hits or something. Feels terrible to be mapping and coming across one of these guys with ZERO way to counter it except run away. (if you even notice before dying.) been playing for over 10 years and this is the first time I have actually felt like being forced to play a meta build Stay out of the shadows
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" They never do real extensive testing, they don't have enough people for it. And they don't invite new people for testing. Chris asked once in podcast us, do we want to make public beta on release stuff buggy, but unknown. And I think when Chris says "extensive" testing, probably it means those internal testers with 1 build RF in softcore and with gear probably tested it. As much as often I criticise GGG, I also defend them a bit. An idea to make rares, magic isn't bad. The game feels a bit more alive, the problem is some combos are broken, a few mods are retarded, some builds feel it more, and 7x essence mob with 5x rare mods were just gg. They are damaging control fast this time, give some credit to them. And the idea is great overall, the game was a joke for veteran players. So it feels refreshing, just some scenarios are too much. And if you make this certain situation, I wouldn't call it hard in some cases, but just 10x takes more time, then should be a decent reward if you kill a mob for 3minutes let's say. I did yesterday just x2 Sentinal buff Izaro on the last phase, it went from 33% life to 100% life and it took me to kill it like 20x longer and nothing dropped basically. I mean I could write and write these scenarios, but GGG can also play themselves with different builds and see fast themselves if they really want to "extensively" test it. extensively with regards, extensive vahu (lul) 3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing. Last edited by vahu#5057 on May 15, 2022, 1:16:21 AM
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Invulnerable + Arcane combo at least early on should never exist :) while mob is in his dmg imune phase, he simple recovers his juicy ES. Unless you have high enough dmg to kill monster ES+HP in 4.5s - you just can't kill it.
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revert your rare monster changes to 3.17 and stop this please. Noone need these changes.
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I'll repeat myself here.
The real solution is not watering down the mechanic, but make it worth it to engage. Atm killing those mobs gives you back nothing. Reinstate in some way the old archnemesis rewards and you can have the best of both worlds: a content that's challenging, or even hard at times, and a reason for us to slow down. But remove Invulnerable. We all have Necrovigil flashbacks. The Narra-Tor
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The problem is the mods stacking... I understand not having just 1 mod per mob but you guys need to go through and make it impossible for certain mods to exist together. Let alone how much damage mobs can have melee been dead for a while now its literally suicide to even try... Also sick of dieing to blue mobs that zerg you and 1 hit you before you even know wtf happen. this game already had tons of instant deaths that made no sense and you had 0 chance of reacting to it. now hardcore is full dead. And standard is just so RIPy its crazy. One rare dies normally quick, another rare is so damn tanky, another is squishy yet hits you for 10m damage... half the mods here shouldnt exist period.. and you killed the most iconic item in game HH
Last edited by jontrollvolta#5345 on May 15, 2022, 1:42:00 AM
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" Technically you are not right. They do give more experience :), but some rares take a long time to kill, so overall that extra exp does nothing basically. But I agree with it, the reward should be for killing rare for 3 minutes let's say. The game is easy anyway. They step into the same shit this again with Invulnerable. They didn't learn it seems :P 3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing. Last edited by vahu#5057 on May 15, 2022, 1:51:05 AM
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Pls don't focus too much on rare monsters but forget the magic monster , full packs of magic monster with just 1 hard mod is a nightmare already
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" Hello. Rejuvenator is an *extremely* deadly mod for Righteous Fire builds. It disables your regen entirely for two seconds, causing you to instantly burn yourself down to half health or less, on top of disabling your primary mitigative mechanic. It feels incredibly unfun to encounter and results in many deaths that feel completely arbitrary. The only counterplay (assuming you aren't instantly deleted) is to run away and hope you have a life flask ready to quickly spam. Some solutions I can recommend are: making the debuff lower regen by a percentage rather than outright disabling it, reducing the duration of the debuff, and/or giving the ability a wind-up telegraph. Any or all of these fixes would make the mechanic far less frustrating to encounter. Thank you for the quick updates and communication. Last edited by InventorOfTrees#2169 on May 15, 2022, 1:55:38 AM
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