Challenges in Path of Exile: Sentinel

Looks like I will complete 10 maybe 12 challenges this league so I won't even complete the basic armor set.

Most of the challenges now require 0.1% probability events. Is it your definition of "challenge"?

Will opulent actually appear this league? I haven't seen one in archnemesis.
Harvest boss? Never seen one with all harvest perks enabled on the atlas tree.

Doryani's Machinarium is mandatory for unique maps challenge. This one isn't a matter of luck but still really lame.


Also, why do you make helmets for every single armor set that look like some ugly monster head?

Can't we get helmets that look like something somebody would actually agree to wear from time to time?

Helmets with a place for eye, nose and mouth, circlets, hoods, crowns... There are a lot of options for designing armor set helmets beside unrealistic monster masks but we have maybe 10 such options in the MTX shop at most.
Challenge accepted bois!
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
I think that a challenge that require PURE LUCK to get it is not a challenge at all.

It is ridiculous to expect us to kill a harvest boss if you NERFED the crap out of harvest and reduced the chance to 0.1% to get one.

I was fully specced in Harvests and I have not seen one T4 plan spawn in the last league. So how on earth are we supposed to get one?

Do you expect us to spend 3 months in the game to get it and you hope we will spend more money on your market while doing so?

I will also call out the PURE laziness on the Challenge armour set. I expected that you guys will design a different armour set for the higher challenge, not just adding a glow effect on it.

You guys have basically pulled a Blizzard on yourself.
no 40 no more.
There are too many challenges that force you to spec the Atlas a certain way and grind the shit out of it till a rng condition happens. that will burn out players very fast.
I really dislike not respecting players time this way.
Will look how aweful this turns out to be and decide if this will be the last league I play, because 40/40 is my goal of a league, but if it turns out to be that painful I won't play it anymore.
Oh no, challenges are challenging as they should be D:

The real challenge will be 30 simu and spawning a T4 seed, the rest should be done with a couple hundred maps and getting gud at bosses. And buying the oshabi frags of course... Please buff T4 spawnrate ;(

At the end of the day, Path of Exiles is just a video game, have fun exiles! (touch grass if can't)
Delirium challenge is the most difficult.

Harvest challenge looks impossible to do without grinding only harvest for at least a week or buying it (very expensive).
IMO RNG is not a challenge...
You probably buffed the harvest boss spawn rate, right?
Because I haven't seen one, neither met someone that's seen one.
If that's not the case, you might as well ask us to find Sasquatch and convince it to put barbeque sauce on it's titties.
Is it crossbow or is it assault rifle?
Wow some of them sound extra cancer like 200 maven influence maps etc. Gyess it's a 24 league

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