[Phrecia] The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony|CI Cyclone-Necro|The Arachnophobia Allstars|660m


I've been away from PoE for a few years, came back for phrecia.

Saw this build and decided to try it. Suffering from the same issues as some people already posted. 1 shot, frequently die in 14+ red maps. Crytal Ore Map boss is impossible XD, minotaur one shot me :(. Also struggling to get high virulence stacks on single target around 40ish my max is 100, I think.

If anyone can provide any suggestions, I would appreciate it!

This is my PoB https://pobb.in/W8gzjREMZkIw

Welcome to the beaches again!

On first view your pob is looking good.

But you waste many passives on the 5 / 6-passives medium clusters, in the life-mastery, and in the witch-starting area. With courage as amulet anoint you do not need the passives to quickstep too.

Get the needed dex instead on ghastly jewels with minion chance to poison and a large cluster with "veteran defender".

Check for other defensive layers the spoiler "checklist defences" , there they are ranked, and "Map & Atlas & Invitation Mods". In example burning ground is extreme dangerous, some other mapmods too. Crystal Ore boss cast burning ground i.e. when I remember correct. You will facetank him in higher levels easy.

Get cwdt-immortal call-tornadoes of elemental turbulences-frost wall (lvl 1) , instead molten shell, and for more virulences.

Switch out the mana-flask against a basalt-flask, get some mana-reg instead on the ghastly jewels.

Get permament chaos-resis instead HoA-buff effect on the circle of nostalgia.
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Mar 12, 2025, 6:53:07 PM
Hi Cromino,
I'm thinking about trying the tank version, I'm not sure if my current 60 divines would be enough to make it viable.

One question I have is that it has 100% suppression, but I noticed that it requires magebane on the armor. If I can't get the armor with magebane, what do you suggest I do to get it to 100%?

Hey Radius! Arachnophilia! Here we crawl again! Hehehe!

60 div are more than enough, around 40 div you should be almost b.i.s.-geared.

Yes, Magebane is not good available on SoL these days. Because we can easy balance easy some not needed damage out, 100% spell suppression are capped instead with

1 more small cluster elegant form
> amulet anoint "courage" (or other anoints for spell suppression: Resourcefullness, Entrench, etc.)

Not needed, recommended only until 100% capped on other slots:
> pathing further to "quickstep" on the tree
> the jewel the "green nightmare" in shadow area

In these days the alternative bodyarmour "Stasis Prison" is priced around 5-20 div. In your budget it`s a great alternative for good recoupings and debuff-immunities in place of Skin of the Lords. Combinate it with petrified blood. I.e. on my char "wildworm" you can see the set-up too.
Or the Brass dome is fitting also into the build.

Legacy of Phrecia News:

Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Mar 12, 2025, 6:33:37 PM
Hi Chromino!

I'm following the PoB with Skin of the Lords, and I was wondering if the "+#% to Quality of all Skill Gems" modifier on Ashes of the Stars is crucial, or if I can go for a cheaper one with lower quality for now?

Also, if I plan to farm Simulacrum, should I invest in a Stormshroud jewel for elemental ailment immunity, or is Kahuturoa's Certainty (damaging ailments) sufficient?

Lastly, I was curious—why do we use Frost Wall in the Cast When Damage Taken setup?

Thanks a lot!
Last edited by ImZouzou#0171 on Mar 13, 2025, 12:47:01 AM

next step? anathema for some moare point? is the right way to calcolate dps? or i miss something?
ImZouzou#0171 wrote:
Hi Chromino!

I'm following the PoB with Skin of the Lords, and I was wondering if the "+#% to Quality of all Skill Gems" modifier on Ashes of the Stars is crucial, or if I can go for a cheaper one with lower quality for now?

Also, if I plan to farm Simulacrum, should I invest in a Stormshroud jewel for elemental ailment immunity, or is Kahuturoa's Certainty (damaging ailments) sufficient?

Lastly, I was curious—why do we use Frost Wall in the Cast When Damage Taken setup?

Thanks a lot!

Yes, start always with a cheaper ashes of the stars with lower increased skillqualities.

You can easy balance around 30M for all content, 30-50M for Ubers, 100M are only useful for U-Maven and U-Sirus. So a cheaper ashes is always welcomed.

Frostwalls are an easy early effective layer of defence. Because we are phasing while cycloning, we can move through the walls.
The freaky walls beside cwdt-autotriggers HoA-damage, so the crawler kills also far ranged mobs automatical. Like this that's an awesome mix until you are better geared and progress to other better skills (offerings, support-golem, etc.) against bosses.
Perfect in delve, heist, ritual against damagepeaks. Only not that much effective against bosses.

Also nice other skills, like void spheres, can be cwdt-triggered. Because in Legacy of Phrecia the Herald-Ascendancy is high damage-focussed, frost wall fits great as tanky balance.
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Mar 13, 2025, 12:21:10 PM

which pob for shadow class and low budget ? i have 50 divine laying around for a second char.

Nice rolled 100/100.
Bought it for astonishing 11 div.
The evasion-roll could be better, lol. :-)
Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Mar 14, 2025, 6:30:02 AM

which pob for shadow class and low budget ? i have 50 divine laying around for a second char.

Servant of Arakaali is fitting nice.
But I did not do a pob and am more focussing on herald-tree.

The spiders in the arakaali's tree can oneshot everything from the 2nd lab onward. Arakaali's servant will grant also a good mix of tankyness from auras, witherings and scaling HoA-crits and fast spiders.
Take simply the Trickster-guide, and go for the spiders and withers and poison in the ascendancy.



Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Mar 14, 2025, 7:43:03 AM
I added a new video Forge of the Phoenix run delirium-juiced.
Smooth whirling and mapping in legacy of Phrecia.

Bodyarmour Stasis Prison, Petrified Blood

Almost b.i.s. geared, budget was 35 div.
A mageblood could be interesting for a bit more tankyness, but it`s not needed until now for full juiced content. Nevertheless, the high budget pob will be ready in some days. My char is already almost immortal, so I will balance more into damage and HoA-crits and focus on Deli-, Ulti- and Ubers- Farming.

Most fun until now was to oneshot eater.
One tickling of the sting of the crawler, half a second, and he was eating his own blue dust.
Sorry, I need to apologize that Ididn`t recorded this beautiful moment, but I will add some boss-videos soon.

Last edited by Chromino#4813 on Mar 14, 2025, 12:06:48 PM
I got completely lost in the overwhelming amount of text and posts and variations, and couldn't even find the ascendancy points and the order in Phrecia as witch :(
pob link doesn't have the ascendancies, its not in the notes as well. What are the best to take?
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
Last edited by judikator#2053 on Mar 14, 2025, 3:30:43 PM

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