[POE2] <Twilight Strand Exiles> Recruits active players! (230+ Members + 30+ Stash tabs + Discord)

give me a challenge.
give me a challenge.
give me a challenge.
give me a challenge.
give me a challenge.
Heyyy! I would like to join to the guild! I played since the open beta, but skipped a few leagues, and now I found back to this awesome game!

I had multiple lvl90+ chars, started veeery late this league because of work.
Dreyguur is my char name and my account name too! Throw me an invite please!

bump :)
Returning Player
3k hours
LF more active guild
Want to learn more about advanced crafting
Discord Friend Request sent: Nanology
can i join ? IGN : ImBringingSexyBackk
Hello guys! Please message me on discord UltimateLV#0969
give me a challenge.
give me a challenge.

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