Community Designed Microtransaction - Wings Concept Art

Which concept art would you like to see?

Option A
Option B
Option C
Poll closed
Option C would let me look like Ashton from Star Ocean! Vote C!
honestly GGG if you are smart make all 3 because all of these are actually pretty awesome it would be a mistake not to make them when you already have a design and they are good
we should plan it that all get exact same amount of votes no winner = ggg make all 3 xD
this is how polls should look like, equally "valuable".
Option A. A back attachment I’d use!
"Bonus points if it is Scion/Witch because they have nice knees. Ranger has ugly knees and other characters are men so playing them would be homoerotic." - CAKE, 10/20/21
Option b looks so lame, A takes the cake for me
im not a fan of the actual back attachment part on design A. the idea i dont hate, just dont really like the current design.

like, wtf even is it? a broken wagon wheel? a damn Wheel of the Stormsail? its just... i dont get it.
Last edited by Thror2k5#7154 on Mar 30, 2022, 6:48:54 PM
You know your artists rock when the vote spread is currently 8 points with roughly 600 votes... wow!
Options A and C are the most unique, IMO.
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Thror2k5 wrote:
im not a fan of the actual back attachment part on design A. the idea i dont hate, just dont really like the current design.

like, wtf even is it? a broken wagon wheel? a damn Wheel of the Stormsail? its just... i dont get it.

im not a fan of back attachments i normally like wings more..
i still voted A because i think the heads are awesome and its quite unique..

i do hope they make some changes maybe turn it into more wings style with the heads

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