Hideout Showcase

I like the simple and uncluttered looks.
i can feel my fps goes down..
oh here we go,
These are great! Is the base for the hideout sth you have to buy, or you find in the game, like the lush hideout? What about the decorations?
I made mine (lush, I like the sounds of nature very much) very grassy and such but I'm interested whether it's possible to make such like yours without spending real dollars, just time and creativity.
cool hideouts,

island hideout base when ? :D
Very cool mirror Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3227915
And now I'm here again asking for a treatment like you did for filters but now for hideouts. My pc is a potato, and I mean a bad potato, it can't even open the game (thats why I use cloud service to play). Since we need to download the file to copy the hideouts to use the feature I (and anyone playing on cloud services) can't even try any of those hideouts.
It's not a potato without po... or tato.

RIP Zana and Navali
k now do build show cases.

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