3.18 | Forbidden Rite Occultist : Selfcast | Tens of Millions of DPS | (Not A League Starter)
Hey Twif
I found your youtube channel when I was looking for a ball lightning build and your archmage ball lightning video came up. I ended up not playing that build but then saw your amazing FR build and crafting videos and, for the first time ever since I started playing PoE 10 in closed beta, I have a character above 92 and planning on farming and working on it more; this might be my favorite build (I tend to self-harming builds for whatever reason as my previous favorite was RF) ever. Also I don't normally sub to channels on youtube but you definitely got a sub from me. Now I have a question: As I farmed for about 10 days with my previous character for this build and leveled and farmed with this one through mapping, I wanted a change and wanted to try bossing and started trying your guardian farming strategy and things have been frustrating. While mapping is fast and comfortable, I die to guardians too easy and had very few deathless kills. I also bricked 1 formed and 1 twisted invitation and barely managed the hidden invitation through multiple deaths. If you can take a look at my character and give me some pointers for easy upgrades I would be grateful. With the current situation I feel like any upgrade will be quite expensive and I don't have much in hand right now. Here is the pob: https://pastebin.com/afc6ztAV Sorry for the wall of text and thanks for all the work you are putting out. |
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" Hey man, first of all thanks for your comment i appreciate. I checked your PoB and overall it seems pretty solid you did respect pretty much everything i recommend. Now here are a few things i want to point out : 1. Your mana reservation & cost seems more than fine therefore you can probably remove the 25% determination efficiency point on tree 2. Since your mana cost is so low i'm almost sure that you can now replace the replica conqueror's efficiency jewel with a rare jewel that has maximum life and some damage (might not even need mana reduced mod honnestly). 3. I see that you are spending 2 points for a +30 strength node which seems useless right now? without it you are still over 180 requirement for the body armour. 4. You shouldnt be needing 3 Passive skill small notable (chaos res) try to replace with a 2 point and get the little bit of chaos res missing on another small (like replacing your armour one) or on one of your new rare jewels shouldn't be very expensive. Here is your new PoB (yours but fixed) i added 1 jewel slot, 2 rare jewels (one replacing replica conq). Added one life mastery, changed small chaos to 2 poins only. Changed chaos mastery to wither effect for more damage. Added one life node. https://pastebin.com/YwH8cX5R This should be a little bit more damage and 500 more HP for very little investment. Also get an anomalous molten shell for bigger shield. Now for your gear it seems pretty nice overall i would suggest that you save to craft a new body armour with elevated spell crit and non elevated frenzy mod. And do the aisling on it the 10% max life should give you a bunch to. You should be able to get with 6K pretty quick with those changes. Best of luck ! |
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Hey Twif,
Love the build so far! I went from Crackling Lance PermaFreeze to Ice Spear CoC, got tired of glass canon builds and tried yours and omg. The tankiness combined with the DPS is so good. I wonder if you could take a look at my PoB and tell me what my next upgrades should be? This is the last build I'll be playing this league so I really want to push it as far as I can. This is my first time playing a mirror tier build and it feels so nice :) Also started really crafting for the first time using your videos so thanks for that! Here is the PoB: https://pastebin.com/XimVyusJ I looked at crafting +1 max. power charges rings but omfg the bases cost SO MUCH! I can't seem to find good megalomaniacs... I have like 175-200ex available. Thanks a lot! |
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" Hey Taco, Thanks for your comment glad you like the build ! I checked your pob and you have some very solid gear. Will be hard to upgrade anything without having to changed a bunch of things cause build is always so tight. Best thing you can have right now is some megalo i know they are hard to find, but if you do find some it will allow you to get 2 rare jewels which are insanely powerful with max life and crit multi. If you want to go more offensive and you are fine losing a little bit of HP you can also try to craft some 12 passive large cluster jewels like i have they are very strong for DPS and also allow a lot more freedom on the rest of the gear (attributes/chaos res) most likely. Other than that it will be hard to upgrade more without spending a ton of currency. PS : Try to enchant your mageblood with -6 res against withered enemies big DPS boost ! Don't hesitate to message me ingame if you want to talk more, best of luck ! Last edited by GG_TWiF#6971 on Mar 23, 2022, 2:07:07 AM
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Hey again,
Thanks you for the quick answer! I was going for 12 passives cluster jewels so thanks for the confirmation. I ended up using one 12 passives and one 11 passives with Unholy Grace, looks like it's working fine! I'm also using bare minimum Megalos until I can get my hands on better one. Did the belt enchant and changed my boots to have some chaos resist and a T1 res so I can better anticipate a possible ring change. Quick question, I feel like getting Cast Speed on Zealotry instead of Arcane Surge is better because the mana regen is useless and the 10% spell damage doesn't compete with the 15% inc cast speed. Am i missing something ? Also, I think my next upgrade should be a +1 max power charge ring. If I get a base ring and someone manage to still have enough currency to craft on it, any idea how to craft it? Crit multi, t1 life, cast speed... Well, basically one of your rings :) BTW, does loosing the life gained on hit really affect us that much if we have some chaos leech ? Thanks in advance! EDIT: Forgot the new PoB : https://pastebin.com/GwMGqdrL Last edited by TagTaco#3446 on Mar 23, 2022, 7:40:35 PM
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" Hi again, For the watcher's eye arcane surge gives 10% MORE spell damage note increased, so it should be a lot more damage than cast speed you can try to pob it. For the rings it's almost the same as crafting a classic FR ring. Essence of scorn until you hit a suffix you like (attributes/chaos res/dmg recouped as life most likely) Then suffixes cannot be changed reforge caster for cast speed Then suffixes cannot be changed reforge life until you hit a life tier that you like. And finish with -8 mana cost, can even try an aisling but it gets costy real quick if it fails to get + mana and dmg taken recouped as mana or reduced mana cost of skills. Losing the life gained on hit shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as you have leech. Getting damage taken recouped as life on one of the rings helps too tho it's a bit more annoying to get with essence but not tooo bad. |
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Hi, there!
I've been following your guide and wanted to add some things which I noticed during few iterations and evolution of my char (PoB below). First and foremost, thanks for a great guide! It helped me a lot in understanding mechanics. Great work! :) But back to the topic... I struggled with survivability, especially against bosses, and few things really helped me with this problem. 1) I decided to drop second Void Battery and invested into shield with +1 power charges, inc. spell damage, inc. spell crit chance, hp and +1 to level of chaos skills. With really good variant of this shield you get no dps lose compared to dual-wielding void batteries - although the cost may be higher than rest of the build. Cost of mine was 50 ex and dps lose is barely noticeable while defences are clearly better. 2) Dropped some dps and life nodes to invest into all recoup nodes on the tree. I only got 92 level right now so these steps had to be taken in my case. 3) Also got 15% recoup on my second ring (not vermilion, sadly, but it fitted my build so much that I decided to buy it) :( ). 2) and 3) combined gave me 65% damage taken recouped as life. 4) This guide says it clearly, but earlier I couldn't afford astral plate (I bought mine for 28 ex) and used vaal regalia variant which obviously had no armour (~5 ex). Don't be like me. It is important part of the build, it seems. 5) I decided to use only one Born of Chaos, because I couldn't fit defiance banner into my build, so needed inc. reservation efficiency for my zealotry. Overall, I think my budget for this build was around 110-120 ex. I can do most of the content pretty easily, but still I am not able to go past 25 simulacrum wave and I think I won't be able even with huge investment, sadly. :( PoB: https://pastebin.com/M7B5tvLY Rare jewels are placeholders to fill needed stats. I know I also should invest in better helmet and Bottled Faith, but I am casual player and have not much time to play. |
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" Hello, I am not sure if some things are wrong or not in your pob but i see that your max chaos res is only 73% and your cold res is only 49% is that right ? If that is look no further that's the main reason you are not passing the simul. Your items seem overall pretty nice on this side it should do the work, i don't really like the flask setup but that is up to you. Flasks are very important to make you more tanky. I would definitly not recommend going for the extra life recoup (vampirism) it is way too many points, getting more life instead would help a lot more for sure. Changing those points to life brings you to 5.6k life already which will make a pretty big diff. Your molten shell isn't linked to CWDT as i can see any reason for that? should be linked to one so it's up all the time. If you can't get an awakened spell echo then buy an anomalous spell echo, pretty cheap and will be of much use. Here is your new pob i would do for now : https://pastebin.com/G9Wh6ji1 But if most importantly if your chaos / cold res are not capped it needs to be a priority you should have 83% chaos res with one born of chaos |
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Honestly, I don't know why it shows that my resistances are not capped. They are capped.
Thanks for quick answer and tips! I'll try it. :) |
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100EX for 3 out of 5 stats on gloves lel.
Last edited by bellabus85#3442 on Apr 1, 2022, 8:13:37 AM
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