PSA:- Archnemesis Recipes but you can actually read them (Tool)

Thror2k5 wrote:
bumping this so *I* can find it again. i just want to make 1 of everything for the challenge. pain in the ass system you made here ggg

Dunno, I got to shakari/solaris/lunaris and the like just by reading the tooltips. I can see that solaris and lunaris have a higher recipe so won't be using them until I have the whole thing.

They have a pretty transparent system this time, I think, you get some clues and can get to the bottom of it yourself, good job.
I could ask for some more space in the inventory, though, when you're discovering recipes like that, you need to have a few copies of everything, and it adds up. Hell if I know how they expected us to do this with the smaller inventory they initially planned, that would be nuts, we'd really need a chart to do anything.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

I like that GGG telling you everything is 'unknown' is an example of them helping you somehow.

"What is this random fragment I found on the ground"


"Ahh, so wise, now I know that unknown things are unknown, we are one step closer to the knowledge"

Anyway, just make the recipes straightforward, its not a particularly fun mechanic in the first place, like a less rewarding metamorph. At least make it straightforward unrewarding.
raics wrote:
Thror2k5 wrote:
bumping this so *I* can find it again. i just want to make 1 of everything for the challenge. pain in the ass system you made here ggg

Dunno, I got to shakari/solaris/lunaris and the like just by reading the tooltips. I can see that solaris and lunaris have a higher recipe so won't be using them until I have the whole thing.

They have a pretty transparent system this time, I think, you get some clues and can get to the bottom of it yourself, good job.
I could ask for some more space in the inventory, though, when you're discovering recipes like that, you need to have a few copies of everything, and it adds up. Hell if I know how they expected us to do this with the smaller inventory they initially planned, that would be nuts, we'd really need a chart to do anything.

sure, you can get to a couple of the big ones yourself. try making a 'kitava touched' without a chart. you know what you need for that :

Tukohama-touched x 1
Bonebreaker, Executioner*, Magma Barrier*

Executioner x 1
Frenzied, Berserker

Magma Barrier x 1
Incendiary, Bonebreaker

Abberath-touched x 1
Flame Strider*, Frenzied, Rejuvenating*

Flame Strider x 1
Flameweaver, Hasted

Rejuvenating x 1
Gargantuan, Vampiric

Corrupter x 1
Bloodletter, Chaosweaver

Corpse Detonator x 1
Necromancer*, Incendiary

Necromancer x 1
Bombardier, Overcharged

Dude. Spoilers.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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