Eckalina | SC | FARMBUILD [Amazing dps and IQ/IR] | Dual Spark | Low Life Mode - RF |

deentemp wrote:
Boyan wrote:
Then what is the purpose of your post? There's no doubt that build works, we all know that. We don't need a douchebag to rub his good lots to others who are struggling to get gear and find out what is the "magic" iir/iiq number combination. If you don't have anything constructive to contribute with (read: your iir/iiq numbers) don't be an arrogant douchebag and keep your loot to yourself. Your attitude helps no one. No hard feelings, ofc.

This is exactly why i did this post so i can have a friday troll night , let dem jelly haters talk.

Whatever floats your boat, man.
IGN: Boyan

General feeling about IQ/IR
- IQ>IR No doubt about this
- Their is some Rush loot session (Sometimes things going crazy drop drop drop drop)
And after nothing in like 4,5 hours
(Rng ? karma? bad luck ? i don't really known what to think about this)
- Reach 100 IQ is really a must (try to keep min 200 ir)
- More than 300 ir (you will not feel increase but in math there is one)
Eckalina Old Low life rf spark build
deentemp wrote:

This is exactly why i did this post so i can have a friday troll night , let dem jelly haters talk.

Good for you, bye bye

@Ecka: When I have the time, I will try a pure IIQ character and I let you know the difference to a iir/iiq char.
Afura wrote:
@Ecka: When I have the time, I will try a pure IIQ character and I let you know the difference to a iir/iiq char.

Great let me known about this !!!
Eckalina Old Low life rf spark build
Hey, any tips on levelling? Feels really slow using the gear stated in the first post. Am currently level 17 at normal fellshrine.


Last edited by Tearie#3040 on Apr 19, 2013, 4:27:56 PM
Tearie wrote:
Hey, any tips on levelling? Feels really slow using the gear stated in the first post. Am currently level 17 at normal fellshrine.


Try to link your split arrow with some gems (Fast attack - add ligh - add fire - add chaos or thing like this
Improve your dps
Dont use IQ/IR stuff at this level this is useless (Focus on more damage)
Eckalina Old Low life rf spark build
Ecka wrote:
Tearie wrote:
Hey, any tips on levelling? Feels really slow using the gear stated in the first post. Am currently level 17 at normal fellshrine.


Try to link your split arrow with some gems (Fast attack - add ligh - add fire - add chaos or thing like this
Improve your dps
Dont use IQ/IR stuff at this level this is useless (Focus on more damage)

Alright thanks. Should the quill rain last me till level 31? I'm having mana troubles right now running a level 1 clarity where I'll run out of mana after each mob due to the fast attack speed.
I bought quality spark, faster casting, fork and focused on dmg before survivability, and dont have any proplem with leveling. Used 2xbear traps for single target and now lvl 55 mercy act 2, just killed white beast :) Can those zombies take much hit, never played witch so no clue, should i add them and throw traps away?

Couple lvls and time to put shavronne up, gonna be massive ES boost after 170es chest :D
Ign HalpingHansu/Jevnigeff
Last edited by Jevnigeff#3931 on Apr 20, 2013, 3:31:06 AM
Tearie wrote:
Hey, any tips on levelling? Feels really slow using the gear stated in the first post. Am currently level 17 at normal fellshrine.


I went a normal FP build until I had AB + a couple of free skillpoints, then I respecced away the ice damage at the start and took lightning instead. All in all, levelling with FP + LMP is very easy and quick, except on some bosses.
Ecka i must ask u about this
If we start use RF we get from items only 44% IIQ (Helmet,Gloves,Belt) + GEM? (IIR about 300+)
For me its to low maeybe u have better idea to use RF and max IIQ and IIR? (amulet give more iiq but we dont use RF? or latter 80+ we dont need amulet?)

Srry for my language ;p

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