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For today's news post we've prepared pieces of concept art of some of the microtransactions released since the launch of the Scourge expansion. If you enjoy seeing the artwork of our team, make sure you take a look!

Arctic Crystal Portal Effect

Demonic Map Device

Demonic Waypoint

Direblade Armour Pack

Direblade Weapon

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Grinding Gear Games
Demonic way-point well - love it :)

got this waypoint - can you make the empty one a second option pls? :)
Last edited by blicklie#1685 on Dec 26, 2021, 3:04:30 PM
Yea give us more options for the Demonic Portal!
Actually, yeapp, empty demonic waypoint looks nice
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
is GGG now outsourcing Microtransaction Concept Art to the community xD
Oh, seems to be nice!
(-_(-_(-_-)_-)_-) - BROTHERHOOD
Concept up a quiet Map Device =D

I bough Maven just because it's the least obnoxious sounding. Can we get a slider or something?
Maps are 90% of the game after all.

I like demon but hearing criglecriglecriglecriglecrigle while I'm doing something is maddening.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Demonic map device looks sooo good
Wow! Nice job!!!
Hope we see some more waypoints. I'd love a more nature themed one.

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