🙋 HELLO Exile, you like Emojis ! WELCOME on my thread 🙋♂️
⬇️-💎-💎-💎-MIRROR SERVICE-💎-💎-💎-⬇️
Brief description of my items :
➡️I focused as much as possible on the stacking of attributes to synergise with an mask of tribunal and the gloves shaper's touch for an build support attribute stacking.
➡️I also concentrated on mods +to..evasion and +to..armour to synergise with alternative gems and gear.
➡️I also looked for mods adding ernergy shield, movement speed, level to socketed gems.
➡️In the future I'd like to make items that are more oriented around INC and/or FLAT ES/life, to finish an project : hybrid ES/life support.
💬I hope you enjoy discovering my items. Any questions or comments are welcome.
📈For multiple copies (>= 2), the total price is reduced by 25%.
Pre-League version 3.16 Version after league 3.16 why don't i divine to gain 3 armor? simply the cost is +100ex and with harvest 20 to 30 tries, so the cost is really expensive to only gain +3 armor, it's not worth the cost of spending currency.
@Tssay_O_Q Hi, I would like to get a mirror-service for Golem Pace Synthesised Crusader Boots in Standard (fee: 200ex).
⬇️Advanced mod description⬇️
@Tssay_O_Q Hi, I would like to get a mirror-service for Oblivion Tread Synthesised Hydrascale Boots in Standard (fee: 200ex).
You are an Aurabot or you only need a lot of attributes and/or a great need of mana reservation, with pleasure to make a copy.
➡️I can change the enchantments and/or craft as needed (Amulet & Rings).
let me know and prepare the necessary so that I can make the changes.
➡️Also if necessary I can change the enchantment on the belts and boots, just let me know and count 50ex added to the price of the mirror service, and count 10 - 30mins approx to prepare the belt or boots. I ask 25ex in advance to avoid any inconvenience, thank you for your understanding.
Good game and a lot of fun Exile
Friend Aurabot, keep your group safe 😇
Or no 😭
Fan art created by Johnway : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Johnway
⬇️Mirror service ⁉️ How it works ❓
1️⃣ You give me your Mirror of Kalandra (I can provide collateral, items or exalted orbs)
2️⃣ I can change the enchantments, master-craft, anointments as needed, let me know and prepare the necessary so that I can make the changes.
3️⃣ I will mirror the item after you confirm.
4️⃣ I will trade you the mirrored item and you will trade me the fee.
ING : @tssay_O_Q
If you want a copy and i'm not online contact me on discord. I'll try to answer as soon as I can.
if you have the time, or you want vouch/comment for the pleasure of having acquired an improvement for your build or simply to help me. Here is the quick procedure for vouch. This is neither an obligation or of major importance to vouch/comment.
1️⃣To post a vouch, navigate back to this thread and hit Post Reply.
2️⃣Click on the picture of your character.
3️⃣Choose your inventory or stash and select the item you want to post.
4️⃣Proofread your message for spelling mistakes and validate your message.
Don't hesitate to contact me to add a link of a mirror service for aurabot. Tssay.fr#5180 (Discord) or in-game :@tssay_O_Q
⬇️🛠️MY SUPPORT BUILDS updated to 3.16🛠️⬇️
⬇️🛡️🕸️Build SCIONBOT & CURSEBOT 3.16🕸️🛡️⬇️
➡️In writing, for the moment view my profile to see my current configuration and the gear of my Scionbot/Cursebot. You can also DL my POB with path of building
⬇️🛡️💗Build SCIONBOT💗🛡️⬇️
The staff can be replaced by a bow + quiver.
Or a shield and sceptre/mace.
➡️An extremely powerful and tanky aurabot build in group or solo, almost immortal (with or without the point of the transcendence) no matter the level of the maps or the content of the game (100% mod less regen is the only mod that is really dangerous for my build).
➡️Depending on the configuration chosen, the construction has a capacity of 10K ES to 18K ES.
➡️Perma vaal excellent dps-boost and immune chill, freeze, shock, ignite..., except on maps that are a bit empty of monsters the immunity is not stable.
➡️90% physical damage reduction for all (group and Scionbot - glorious vanity), 90% phy dmg reduc for player and 75% - 78% for Scionbot (Militant faith, it's enough).
➡️High mobility capacity to follow most of the MF.
➡️Good range of auras.
➡️life/ES regeneration which allows to stay afk in the pack of monsters, the attacks of almost all the boss of the game, it is funny to see.
➡️The build could give much more DPS with clusters vengeful commander, a timeless glorious vanity 1pts and of course a aurabot-Bow. Currently, the balance is excellent between giving adequate DPS and protecting my group with my defence and i can hit any content and passing the hardest maps solo or in a group.
⬇️For science and the love of numbers :
⬇️Dps and defence test on a naked character :
🖱️ + right clic + Open the picture in a new tab = better picture visibility 😇 or just zoom
DPS test with Smite.
Dps test without using smite, this is more realistic in maps, using smite consistently and or maintaining smite consistently is difficult sometimes. Personally I only use smite for bossing or when a monster pack is too resistant this helps my MF.
⬇️Dps and defence test with a Iceshot build :
👋 Merci Sissou pour les tests et comparatifs DPS/DEF 👍
🖱️ + right clic + Open the picture in a new tab = better picture visibility 😇 or just zoom
⬇️Dps and defence test with a MF build :
👋 Merci Sissou pour les tests et comparatifs DPS/DEF 👍
🖱️ + right clic + Open the picture in a new tab = better picture visibility 😇 or just zoom
No timeless 1,2,3,7... or 9...pts aura effect and no vengeful commander, it's useless for my goals, and not necessary the current mapping, Maybe in another season/league I will need it.
My attribute stacking varies, depending on my configuration, the leagues, the nerfs... . I can stabilise the strength between 1000 - 1300 / the dexterity between 1200 - 1500 and the intelligence between 1300 - 1600.
Currently the build is configured in two different styles :
➡️A pure build aurabot support for full parties and/or Magic find parties
https://pastebin.com/ceghSHw3 ➡️Mapping/standard boss
https://pastebin.com/8eqrqMew ➡️Bossing
Compare the 2 POB to understand the difference in DPS between mapping and bossing (between a standard boss and Sirus for example, having all the buff in the map and having very little against Maven for example)
With only 4 links DSRS this build is able to do all the contents of the game😈:
➡️Syndicate, beast, metamorph, harvest, legion...
➡️Delv in solo or with an delver.
➡️All conquerors and mini boss very easily (includes the guardians of shaper/elder)
➡️All boss in the game easily. Even after patch 3.15, the only difference noticed is that the bossing is a bit longer
An exception to the rule :
Aul, the Crystal King
Fan art created by Qque (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Qque)before patch 3.12 I could defeat Aul. After the change of the alternative gems, it became a long and impossible fight with some modifiers (those concerning ES/life regeneration, damage reduction...), as soon as I encounter him in mine, I call a friend, with his boss killer and my auras, we take less than 1mins to defeat Aul
AURAMANCER🤖A true aurabot🤖but not immortal😭...Fu...🤪🖕🤬*k...u Scion💥
Fan art created by ???
A brief description of the build :
🤝Thank you👍 :
Thanks to Bleak for preparing and equipping this build in its quasi-totality. A pleasure to play again a Auramancer.
➡️A auramancer for me is the summum of an aurabot, she gives so much offensive advantage, unfortunately for this build the defense is rather light, and that is the big difference between the Scionbot (tanky but less dmg) and the auramancer (big dmg but less def). it is a personal choice to keep it in this configuration and to choose it for specific goals. But yes effectively, there are auramancer builds which are as much defensive as offensive.
➡️In resume this build is very offensive, good movement speed, perma vaal... this build asks to be more vigilant in map and to be concentrated not to die stupidly. For a little detail, I let you discover the POB and some information below.
⬇️POB Auramancer :
⬇️For science and the love of numbers :
⬇️Dps and defence test on a naked character :
🖱️ + right clic + Open the picture in a new tab = better picture visibility 😇 or just zoom
I preferred to sacrifice a bit of DPS given by the Ano or Div dread banner against more defence and survival for my aurabot and the group give by the anomalous defiance banner.
⬇️Dps and defence test with a Iceshot build :
👋 Merci Sissou pour les tests et comparatifs DPS/DEF 👍
🖱️ + right clic + Open the picture in a new tab = better picture visibility 😇 or just zoom
⬇️Dps and defence test with a MF build :
👋 Merci Sissou pour les tests et comparatifs DPS/DEF 👍
🖱️ + right clic + Open the picture in a new tab = better picture visibility 😇 or just zoom
😍Being an aurabot is fantastic😍, 🙋♂️meeting people🤝, 📑sharing💰, 😄laughing😄, 💥opening chests and detonating allies!💥RIP XP😭,🎯experimenting new MF strategies🧿,💰💪make progress together🧠📈...
Thanks to all those who play with my aurabot, especially you MF (Jungle, Blasta, AFam, Argos, EmcI, Exosta, Kichigo, GlassAura..).
Friend aurabot, keep your group safe 🛡️, Zelda, Bleak, IAssistant, Asarck, JULII, Jake, Lolicheck, Kurgz... .
And for true leechers Hansolo, Jaah, Charle, Aeon...
Thanks also to the creators of the MF Academy https://discord.gg/fubtmHe @Vauxite @SodaPop9 @Emcii @Relithh @MaiCedere @Exosta. Excellent discord to meet MF, aura, talk strategy, helping each other, progress in builds, farming and many other useful things.
I apologise for being aggressive, in some trades to get items. For pestering players sometimes for weeks to buy an item at the lowest possible price.
Spécial remerciement pour le jeu en team 🥖🇫🇷🥐, Maillechort, Rduran, Leport, Barmy, Docka, RAin1, jouer en team donne à POE une meilleur saveur, un réél plaisir de jouer support, de progresser ensemble en tout point de vue.
Thank you also to all of you from my Bank Service, it is also thanks to you, that I have been possible to build this aurabot (Scionbot) from one season to the next. Thank you for your trust
🤟🏼infinite gratitude to you Malaxy🤟🏼
See you soon for farm and fun.
👋What are the requirements to be a good aurabot/support❔
😂It always makes me laugh when players think that being a super aurabot means giving 🍌ZDPS and 🍌ZDENFENCE. This is my opinion, I think that being a super aurabot/support has multiple requirements ⚖️👊.
➡️Of course give an adequate dps/def for the targeted farm with her group.
➡️Honest and sociable.
➡️Have a keen eye and quickly pick up the loot.
➡️Have knowledge of current popular items and market fluctuations (this is a plus).
➡️Have a spirit of sharing and helping each other.
➡️Be available and play
➡️Focus are group and MFer to keep them alive
👉For you what makes a "super aurabot" ❔
⬇️🍻🥪RELAX my friend, HIDEOUT showcase🥪🍻⬇️
⬇️Enlightened hideout, Tane's shisha bar⬇️
I was inspired by this hideout Amethyst Abode of Gloria87.
Don't hesitate to look at these creations, all the credit goes to him, because indeed the foundation of my HO is his :
I was inspired by this hideout Arcane escape by Lillith.
Don't hesitate to look at these creations, all the credit goes to him, because indeed the foundation of my HO is his :