December Events 2021

Was hoping for Synthesis but guess they might re-implement it in the next expansion anyway
Very nice! December will be a fun month.
albert2006xp wrote:
Laughing so hard at the voided comments. All leagues are voided, Standard doesn't matter.

Laughing so hard at yet another human who doesn't understand subjectivity and publicly displays it for all to see.

If Standard doesn't matter (and for most players it surely doesn't) then Void leagues are an outdated and silly habitual thing GGG does because they are out or touch with their playerbase.

GGG should stop pretending and modify their standard procedures according to modern reality of how the game is played. They clearly haven't treated Standard as anything but an afterthought dumpster for 5 or 6 years now.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Voided is a big disappointment. Probably will still play for the MTX but won't enjoy it as much knowing it will all be deleted. I might not play Standard much but I like to collect items over leagues and treat it as a museum which is not possible with Void leagues.
Guess retention isn't great if there are this many events so early in the league.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Why no events on console? That's not right..been playing on xbox for years, have bought many supporter packs because I love the game, but I'm starting to regret my decisions more and more when I see stuff like this. Can we get a good, legitimate reason as to why they won't be on console at least? Wasn't a problem last guys are droppin the ball here for sure GGG.
Not the first time GGG demonstrates their attitude to console players by treating them as second class humans. Very sad and dissapointing...
Last edited by WAMAH-_-#9215 on Nov 28, 2021, 4:25:37 PM
nice! will be fun ;)
I just want Hard Mode
ign: Babbelabb
Absolutely lame and lazy that these are not coming to Xbox. One thing if you didn’t have the capability but you have done these on console before. Almost like console players don’t exist or pay money to support this game…….

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