December Events 2021

Do another legacy league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nibelton wrote:
JDandCO wrote:
why no console ?

because no one will reinvent the wheel for a platform no1 cares about.

Nice being toxic, we all want to play the game
Will console receive alternatives so that we can also go for something similar to level 50 mystery boxes and/or random draw prizes? I love this game and love supporting it, but closing the door on my face makes me wanna go somewhere else.
This is AWESOME!!!!
xLupus Prime wrote:
Will console receive alternatives so that we can also go for something similar to level 50 mystery boxes and/or random draw prizes? I love this game and love supporting it, but closing the door on my face makes me wanna go somewhere else.

Yeah I don't see why they can't just give us one of the older events or literally anything other than "events are pc only" but probably the answer is they don't care and we aren't worth the trouble.
After "Delirium Everywhere" ends, 3.17 release announcement should be around the corner since 3.17 launch is 22nd Jan maybe?

For me will just continue to play in Scourge. Happy holidays everyone!
Last edited by suitto#4400 on Nov 28, 2021, 10:24:42 PM
For those who are complaining that the events are void leagues, just be thankful that you are not part of the console community ... we are a void community.
I just can't bring myself to play a VOIDED league. Knowing my luck I'll drop my first mirror after 4,000 hours. Sound fun though!
xXDarkBlackXx wrote:
albert2006xp wrote:
Laughing so hard at the voided comments. All leagues are voided, Standard doesn't matter.


Not true, you say that until a mirror drops.
Hmmm, so 5 portal for twitch. Guess it'll be open twitch, mute and minimize and come back to claim, log out.

This is the way.

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