[gamebreaking] HUGE lags in random maps (into d/c's) [COMPILATION]

Update on Octavio:

During his stream we had him switch to a different ISP using his cell phone tethering. This didn't resolve.

I've been watching his stream all day. He has tried every suggestion without being able to fix the problem.

This looks like a TCP issue. In Lockstep mode the client & server do not have a clean TCP flow. Packets are being delayed somewhere then they catch up.

If someone has a PCAP of the event, I would love to look at it.


CCIE Service Provider Network Engineer here...

WinMTR and other ICMP/UDP tracing tools can be deceiving. Many, most?, services providers will apply a rate limit to ICMP/UDP traffic directed at their devices. This is because ICMP/UDP traffic directed at the device is punted to the CPU. If left unchecked this can be used a way to flood (DDoS) the specific device with requests and take it down.

So I would not put too much faith into MTR results, or any ICMP/UDP/Traceroutes without understanding the limitations of the tool.

With that said... if I was having this issue... I would...

At the DOS prompt:

1. Start a continuous ping to your default gateway. This is likely your cable modem if you are at home: ping -t x.x.x.x

2. Start a continuous ping to in another window.

3. Start a continuous ping to the GGG IP listed in your Client.txt file.

4. Finally... open resource monitor.

With all of these running, play the game and when the lag occurs see if you can correlate that to any changes in the ping patterns or CPU/GPU spikes.

1. If you notice an issue to all things, it is likely an issue specific to your house, or your computer.

2. If pings are consistent to your default gateway/cable modem, but and GGG are impacted, it likely an issue with your ISP.

3. If only the GGG server is affected, it likely a network issue with the GGG server hosting provider.

4. If you don't notice any changes, it is possible GGG is having an issue between the servers running the game. Possibly a backend DB sync issue, but only they can verify this.

Other things to try if you want to play now if you suspect the issue is your ISP:

Use your phone as a hot spot. Make sure it is not connected to your wifi, but instead is using cellular data. You will likely need an unlimited plan.

Go to a place that offers free wifi an see if game plays better there.

Finally other things to consider:

Buffer Bloat: https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat

Wifi Interference: I'm not a Wifi expert, but have personally ran into issues with other devices in my home interfering with the wireless signal. This is where I would use resource monitor to watch for any wireless signal changes during the lag events. Try changing the wireless frequency of your wireless access point if possible. Also check for any physical obstructions between your wireless access point and computer.
Last edited by Dr_ick#4198 on Nov 6, 2021, 5:24:40 PM
Thanks for all this info however too many people, around the entire world, are having the exact same issues so I very much doubt that it would be ISP related. The odds of that happening are too high. This is definitely something on GGG's side.
If your uncle Jack helps you off an Elephant, would you help your uncle Jack off an Elephant?
DeckstarG wrote:
Thanks for all this info however too many people, around the entire world, are having the exact same issues so I very much doubt that it would be ISP related. The odds of that happening are too high. This is definitely something on GGG's side.

I don't disagree, and noted this is in the number 4 reason the issue could be occurring. But like most large companies, you have the prove to them it is not you, before they really dive deep into the issue.

Also, many players are not experiencing issues. Personally, this has been the best performing league for me. I haven't had any lag issues. But I'm not discounting this is a real issue for some, and willing to help in any way I can.
A small update on my end, fixed the logs and got one of the "problematic instances" IP, as well as ran the winMTR test.

https://pastebin.com/EqhWdBW9 - instance IP

Here is how it looks like, happens randomly, I encountered this throughout the campaign as well. Been using the same ISP for over a decade, played a little bit at the end of Expedition, had no issues.
"Other things to try if you want to play now if you suspect the issue is your ISP:

Use your phone as a hot spot. Make sure it is not connected to your wifi, but instead is using cellular data. You will likely need an unlimited plan."

Thank you for your insight. About the 4G hotspot thing, I tried it and it failed to resolve the issue. I tested my hotspot in other games and discord and it worked just fine there.
Same issue for me. I have been working with my ISP for months now trying to fix this for PoE good to know it's not them.
maybe you could try enabling window auto-tuning?
open command prompt as admin and put this

netsh interface tcp show global

if it shows "receive window auto-tuning level" as disabled put this

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

here's a link that could help
Last edited by Kindlein#4777 on Nov 7, 2021, 11:27:37 AM
It's none of your ISP's, routers, connections, etc.

It's GGG since last update. All servers are shit connection. They did something on their end and are not acknowledging it like usual. There is no fix, just play something else until they fix it.

On a side note, how in the fuck do they screw up an update so bad on the server end to prevent players from playing? With the shitty updates, shitty changes, shitty servers, shitty connections, slower gameplay, its almost as if they are trying to sabotage their game on purpose.

I have fiber direct connected, 20 years in IT (so I know what I am looking for), and this is literally the worst network/netcode setup I've seen for a game. They switched something last updates.
Im getting all kinds of weird things happening this league but not the lag from the 1st post video

Im getting d/c crashing and getting huge ms numbers (100k+ sometimes and only going to login works)
Im getting weird loading times that sometimes just crash the game they take so long
Opening menus in game is actually lagging like this and sometimes takes so long it crashes or almost crashes the game
PoE seems to be taking more ram or something now and makes my whole pc laggish (has never done this before this league...)
The game has crashed 2? times so bad that it crashed my whole pc

The ms climbing into the 100ks has been happening since about 3 leagues ago but all the other stuff was from this league only
Couple of days

Logging in no problem,
enter in map biiiiig lag spike, no way to back again or do something, only way is ALT+F4 then start again,
change server, all seems to be normal again, open another map and......boom 10000 latency.....and so on.....
close poe, open cod and wait to check after couple of hours with same results...

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