Changes to Rewards in Path of Exile: Scourge

this problem/solution style gets old pretty fast.

mostly because the problem in some cases exist only in developers mind and the suggested solution is rather applicable to some other not yet released game.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Oct 30, 2021, 5:03:05 PM
vio wrote:
why should the game drop good items for you if you can buy them for tip money from others already?

I want to remind you and all other poeple about GGG state of 'item weight' and 'items should not be easy obtainable by trade'. This is reason of many PoE outdated shit, but whole game directly contradicted with that several years right now.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
Oh, no more memeable items?? That's a bummer u.u
vio wrote:
might_99 wrote:
Whoever think the league is okay to play on GGG side need to get demoted or fired. They clearly didn’t test enough shit or just say this is fine, this feels good bla bla bla. The patch reeaaally hyped me for this league, i was actually plan to support you guys by buying a supporter pack, played the league and it’s actual dog’s arse. My god the design is not just bad, it is a huge oversight of what loot meant for an arpg. Leveled to 75 and no acceptable gear drop, and near to 0 currency either. Please take your game seriously GGG. Bad league after bad league will run people down. Why do you like to shoot your own foot so god damn much?


just open and look for items you need, they're likely down to 2 to 3 chaos.

so someone (or all other players) probably solved the issue of "not finding items" to a degree that they can sell them.

why should the game drop good items for you if you can buy them for tip money from others already?

Why does SSF exist if they obviously balance around trade league? yet trade league itself basically ruins all sense of balance since "anything can be bought for tip money"

I haven't touched trade league in years now, ... this league is definitely the dumbest when it comes to SSF.

tainted orbs are way too rare, The Scourge NPC does not offer any kind of conversion trade.
99% of the scourge drops are just useless visual spam since it's guaranteed that the sockets/links will be wrong.
Good changes team !
waffenheimer wrote:

Why does SSF exist if they obviously balance around trade league?

yet trade league itself basically ruins all sense of balance since "anything can be bought for tip money"

it's a unpopular opinion but trading is far too easy in poe given the power it has to spoil your progression.

things would be different if item trading was limited to corrupted items.


ssf mode has been introduced as a more challenging experience for players who like the struggle. it's like playing hardcore, you aren't supposed to play content that trade players have access to.

it's never been intended to be the same experience as trade league but trade league could get into the same difficulty level as ssf to make them equal.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Very nice and quick acting on the issue. Looking forward to it!
does not help as we see, as 99% of rares dropping are outright thrash in the first place.

keeping the necessary cleartext for myself this time as GGG does not like to get a mirror presented ( as this is no kalandra mirror ... ).
KaldrinXanthin wrote:
I just wish they would come up with a solution that allowed there to be more base items at reasonable prices. This league is absolute shit for casual players. Can't find any kind of base item that I would have been able to afford before because every low cost item is a fucked up shitty-ass corrupted item now.

yep, the economy is pretty bad now. 6-links are cheap, sure, but while looking for upgrades more than half became unusable because everyone puts them in the krangle oven. the disconnect between what they announced and what we actually get here is mindblowing.

and the krangled items that randomly drop? it's impossible any of these could be usable given how many mods and tiers of mods there are and that they can't be brought to endgame viability with influence modifiers and elevated mods. i don't know what's going on with this kind of game design.
well for me this league is a 8/10 pretty decent just kill stuff in a line and a lot of qol
only 2 things bother me the scourge maps with auto turn on they feel really bad you keeping coming back to scourge even if all mobs are dead is really annoying need cancel 15x+ u get blood too fast but there is no enough mobs inside so for god sake please remove auto turn on

and of course the amount of trash corrupt itens on the floor but i am using a very strict filter now so dont bother that much

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